Chapter five.

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Liam POV

"Harry. What if she dies?" I looked at him. "Why are you all of a sudden caring for her? We barely know the chick." That set me off. "SHE MIGHT BE DYING! I CARE BECAUSE SHE IS AN AMAZING PERSON WHO DOESN'T DESERVE TO DIE! HOW ABOUT YOU HARRY? WHY DO YOU ALL OF A SUDDEN NOT CARE? SHE WOULD ONLY TALK TO YOU AT FIRST! Abigail doesn't deserve to die this young."

Harry stood up. "She's not even seventeen. She's only fourteen. That's one reason. Here's the other. She dresses like an emo, but two years ago, she would rarely be sad! I talked to Summer and she told me! She isn't an emo! She's only fourteen, and she was different two years ago. Two years difference isn't enough to change a person that much. She isn't even a brunette! She's a natural blonde!  She lied to us, Liam. That's why i don't care." 

No no liam. She may be fourteen, but what happened that made her change? Death? Friends? Family? Family. She talks in her sleep. She told me she was beat by her birth parents. 

"Her birth parents. She was born in 1999. Her birth  parents were arrested 2011. That's why she changed so dramatically. She had to forget about her past. So she changed her." Harry looked at me like i was psycho. 

"How do you know?" "She would talk in her sleep. I talked to her through there. I learned the truth. I also learned that she lied for her own good. She didn't trust us yet because her father beat her 24/7. That's why she lied." 

'Batman' POV

I woke up. The doctor was right there. I sat up.

"Hey Doc. Did you figure out whats wrong?" He looked up. "Yeah. Its some type of on-off sickness. Its rare also and i cant get into past files. The last person who had it was in the year of 1769. Luckily, they survived. But their eyes changed what color?" He looked at me. 

I've known him since i was 3, when i originally had cancer. I remember he'd talk about this sickness all the time. "GREEN!" I yelled! We both laughed at my burst of excitement. "Same ol Abigail. So many things have happened since i last saw you. Your parents. Your friends. Wow. Same ol girl when she's around me though." Doctor Peterson came over to me and hugged me. 

"So when can i leave? This sickness isn't contagious, and it wont effect my mood or anything. So when can i leave?" He looked at me. "When they boys find out your secret, and they sign the papers. But you can leave when they sign the papers." We both laughed. I missed this Doctor.

"Hey Liam! I can leave when one of you sign the papers!" I smiled at him. He seemed hurt though. My expression changed. "Louis signed the papers. Come on."

We left for the flat. The first thing i did was go to my room when we arrived. I walked in my room and locked the door. I knew he found out my secret. It was written all over his face! I ended up skipping lunch and dinner, and just playing video games. I went to sleep at 9:30. 


I sat in my bedroom. I ended up waking up at 11:30. Great. I went and took a shower and got dressed for nothing. I needed to feel pretty though. I put on black skinny jeans, and a Lil Wayne cut off top, with my favorite pair of Adidas. I brushed my teeth and played CODIII . It was fun, until Louis came at my door. 

"Abi? Its Louis. Can i come in? Please!" I got up and put my head to the door. "None of the boys are with you? Its just you Louis?" I needed to trust him right now. "Yeah. Its just me." I let him in then i locked the door again. 

"Why are you hiding in here?" Louis asked me. "Why do you think? Liam and Harry know." Louis looked at me. "Know what?" "My secret." He sat me on the bed. "Can i know your secret?" "Fine. But please, just shut up and listen." He said okay.

"I was born in 1999 and my birth parents were arrested in 2011. My parents beat me, but mainly my dad. I dress like an emo, but two years ago, i would rarely be sad! You can even ask Summer! She knows. I'm also not an emo! I'm only fourteen, and I was different two years ago. Two years difference isn't enough to change a person that much, right? Wrong. And I'm not even a brunette! Im  a natural blonde! But i needed to forget my past. So i changed my look. But i like skulls. Alot." 

I giggled as i said that last part. Louis looked like he was going to hurt me. "Good god Louis dont hurt me please!" I put my arms over my face in defense. He was pretty mad. It was written all over his face. "ABIGAIL FRICKEN PARKER!" Louis stood up. No! He's gonna hit me! 

"No!!!!!! DON'T HURT ME!" I ran into one of the rooms after screaming that all around the flat, since Louis was chasing me. I went into Zayn's room. I turned around and locked the door. Tears started to stream down my face.

"Abigail? Hey. Hey. Whats wrong?" I told Zayn. i told him everything. From my birth year to Louis chasing me and me being scared of him beating me. 

"Shh Shh Ab." He soothed me. I love it when people care about me. Ha ha only Zayn does right now, from what i know of. "Do you wanna grab something to eat?" I nodded my head.

We slowly and silently left his room, and left out the back door. Me and Zayn went to a McDonald's and we got food. Food. Wow, i am hungry. I looked at all the food we bought, then at Zayn.

"I'm gonna get even fatter if i eat anymore." Zayn looked at me. "You're nowhere close to being fat." We left shortly after that and i decided to just hang around Zayn. Hey, I'm only fourteen. I need fricken protection!

Liam wouldn't talk, or look at me. Harry made fun of me. "Look who it is. Little fourteen year old beaten up girl."  Zayn would take away Harry's video games, one by one, every time he made fun of me. 

Why cant i just be loved anymore?

My Nickname's Batman..You? || l.p. ||Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon