chapter twenty eight

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I woke up in bed. I looked around and noticed i was at the lads house. What the actual fuck is happening to me? Then i heard some bangs. Not like something fell. Gunshots are what i heard. I sat up, still in my outfit from yesterday. Or earlier today, whenever it was when i blacked out.

I got out of bed and stepped on something sharp. "Fuck! Ouch." I sat on the bed and removed whatever was in my foot in the dark. I felt around trying to find some shoes and found a pair. I slid them on and walked up to the door. I opened it just a crack and saw a line of what seemed to be gasoline. Then i saw a match. 

"SHIT!!" And then there was a fire. A big, fire. I was coughing like mad. "Liamm? Harry? Niall *cough cough* Louis? Zaynn?" I looked around and saw Zayn. He was in his bedroom climbing out of the window. "Abigail come on!" I shook my head. "Not until i find the rest of the lads!" He shook his head and jumped out of the window. 

"Abigail?! Abigail where are you?" I heard Liam and Niall. "Niall? L-L-Liam?" I was coughing and sweating. I felt someone grab my arm and i saw Harry and Louis. "Zayn jumped out of the window. I heard Liam and *cough* Niall but i cant find them." Louis nodded and Harry held my hand, guiding me to follow Louis. 

"Abigail! Li i found her!" I slowed down and Harry stopped in front of me. I held my head. "Harry i cant stay awake no more." He shook his head. "No stay awake please hun!" I shook my head. He groaned and picked me up bridal style. 

I heard faint talking. "There's the door!" It was a few minutes before i felt cold night air on my skin. I started coughing real hard. "Guys why the fuck isn't an ambulance here?" I heard Harry yell. "Harry put me down." He obeyed and set me down, so i was standing. 

I started to shake so Liam held my waist. I pulled out my phone from my hoodie pocket and called 999. "Let me do it. You can barely stand hun." I handed the phone to Liam as he walked away. "Harrry." He ran up behind me and held my waist. 

"Lads the firetruck is on its way." I nodded. Liam came up to me. "Babe stay awake until the paramedics get here." I nodded. "Li i c-c-cant." Then the paramedics came. 

I drifted off into a sleep. I heard voices so i wasn't really sleeping i guess.

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