Chapter three

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"Lung cancer."  I felt so bad for not telling him. Ugh. Why me? "oh god. you scares at all??" The blonde asked. I shook my head. "But, but how?" His voice cracked. Aha! "I've had cancer before. I'm used to it. Chemotherapy? Psh piece of cake. Losing my hair? Not surprised. I honestly don't care if I die." They all looked at me. They were sad to hear that. "Wait. Why did you guys kidnap me in the first place?" I asked. "Your parents. They uh. Died in a uh. Come on lads! Don't make me do this alone!" The blonde said. Then the one with a batman sweater spoke up. "They died in a car crash." I sighed.

"Oh. Well. We realized that we didn't know that much about you. Sooo, lets play twenty questions. But i'll only ask ten." Harry said. He's the only one I wanted to talk to. "so. Where were you born?" "Missouri. I came to Bradford in 1999. I was only three. My birth parents died in a car crash. I then went to an orphanage until I was about fourteen. Then I was adopted by the people who you informed me, were dead." They all were like, what?

"Next question?" Harry shook his head. "Oh yeah. Right. Um year you were born?"

"Nineteen ninety six."

"Foreign languages?"

"Um. French, Spanish, German, and my favorite, GREEK!" I happily said. I loved Greek. It was amazing.

"How do you know all of that?"

"It came to me. I was born with the ability to speak them all."

Then the nurse came in, disrupting our little session. Harry stood up. "ONE MORE QUESTION PLEASE!" She jumped back in fear. "OKAY!"

"Ha ha middle name?"

I laughed. "Don't have one!"

The nurse spoke up. "So Batman! There's good news, then there is bad news." I chose good. "YOU DON'T HAVE LUNG CANCER!! You only had minor burns on your lungs! You're fine to leave, once your parents come and sign the release form."

I started to speak. "Um actually, one of them needs to sign the papers." I said, gesturing to one of the five boys. "Well which of you is the oldest?" She asked. "Me love." Um, I forgot his name. I think its Louis. "Okay! Come with me!" the nurse exclaimed.

Harry sat down. "So what are you going to do?" I shrugged. Then I got a text from Summer.

From Sum- Hey I'm moved out! I found someone to live with! I got all of my stuff out so all yours is left!Byee!

"UGH!" I grunted. Harry looked at me. "What?" I showed him the text. "We have an extra room at our flat. You could stay with us." I agreed. Louis came back and we left to MY flat first, so I could get my stuff. We took multiple trips to the two flats. We eventually cleaned me and Summer's old flat out.

We left to their flat. I got all of my clothes unpacked, and I got them hung up. I put my skull couch by the window, my bed by the bathroom, and my television, XBox, and ps2 by the door. My tele was on a shelf, and my gaming systems underneath. I unpacked all my video games, then left to find the boys.

"HELLO? ANYONE HOME? I WANNA GO SHOPPI-" I fell over moving out of the way of the five boys. "What the hell! All I said was if we could go shoppi-" "YEAH WE HEARD YOU SHOPPING WE KNOW LETS GO WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR!!" Louis yelled in one breath. I looked to the other boys for explanation. I only got shrugs.

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