Chapter thirteen.

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Me and Harry were in the swimming pool again. "Teh management called meh!" i heard him say. I was giggling uncontrollably. "Wow seriouslyy? Why cant dey leave us alone?" He shrugged. 

"hey what do you want?" I heard mumbles over the side of the phone. "NO! SHE Has NOTHING TO DO WITH HER! SOPHIE IS THE ONE THAT RUINED IT!" I jumped at his outburst. He saw. "Fine i'll bring her. Bye. Assholes." He muttered the last part after he hung up. 

"What happened?" i asked him. "We have to go see management. Get changed and ready to go." I nodded and left to the hotel room. Management? How did they find out about me? I need to be prepared for the worst.

"Ready?" We left for the management place. "Harry. I'm scared." I squeezed his hand. We walked into the office. I saw Liam and that girl that i met the other day. I sat on Harry's lap. Hey, I'm scared! 

"Harry. We found out about her. Liam is having problems and he wont talk, or sing for that matter. You need to make up with him. I hope you two make up. Until then, you are not allowed to spend anymore time with the boys." I felt my heart sink.

"W-w-what? I- have nowhere else to go! I need to be with these boys!" I begged. "Wait, what? " Uh oh. I stood up and ran out. I just ran until i found a corner. "Kill me right now." I whimpered. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"No. I don't know what got into Sophie, but i don't like her at all. I love you. That would never ever change. I think when i saw you and Harry, i got jealous. " I nodded as i heard Liam talk in my ear. Then he set me on his lap. 

"I'm sorry i over reacted. You didn't deserve it. I should have listened to your side of the story. Liam Payne. I, i love you." I said. And then that was the first kiss of our relationship, and it was pretty long. 

"Im sorry." We both said. We walked into the office, hand in hand. "Ah so you two made up." I nodded. He snaked his arm around my waist. I felt happy again.

Me and Liam arrived at the hotel. "Isn't your stuff at Harry's?" I nodded. "I just wanna..." He finished my sentence for me. "make out." i felt a smile creep on my face.  "Yes." 

It was pretty steaming from there on. No, we didn't do the dirty deed, but all we did was make out. 

"When can we go baack?" Liam whined to me. "I don't know. when they find him." He smiled at me. He knows something. "They've already found him haven't they?" He nodded like a little devious little kid! "You're mean!" I fake pouted.

"Aww baby im sowwy. Pwease forgive me." I had my back to his chest. "Awwe fine okayyy." He smiled. "Ya!" He held my waist. "When do we leave?" We were getting ready for our plane flight, back to our flat.

"Few hours. We better leave." We got our bags and put them in the trunk. I sat next to Liam and fell asleep. I woke up when something went with a loud BANG. I stood up and saw the pilot passed out in the chair. 

"Oh no." I said. I shook the pilot and yelled at him to wake up. Then a lady came. 

"WHAT HAPPENED?" "i don't know! i heard a bang and came in here and i saw him passed out! Do you know how to drive this thing?" She nodded her head. "Thank god!" She took over and drove us to landing.

I talked to her after we landed. "Oh my gosh thank god you came at that time! I didn't know what to do and i got scared and oh my god! Thank you thank you thank you!" I hugged her. Liam walked over and asked what happened. 

She explained the story. "Well thank you for coming in at the right time." She said no problem and we left to our house. 

"Oh no."

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