EB 5: Where He Doesn't Give A Fuck

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Endless Bonds Copyright © 2016 xXMopelXx All Rights Reserved.

Chapter Posted - November 5, 2016

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Ps: We need a ship name? #Treryl #Trer #Cherton #Chrent

You pick and lemme know :)  



:: Chapter (05) :: Where He Doesn't Give A Fuck

There's a steel knife lodged in my throat that's stopping me from breathing.

It feels like my chest will rip in two if I keep staring at her any longer.

I drop my food back in my plate and push it away. Jared doesn't seem to notice the sudden shift in my mood as he springs up and closes the distance between him and the girls.

"Holy shit," he all but yells as he squeezes the life out of Cher.

Her answering giggle flits in the air and my fists clench.

She looks different. Blonder, tanner, slimmer, taller - though the last one can be due to her sky-scraping boots. The only thing that hasn't changed are her eyes.

Frenzied blue eyes that meet mine over Jared's shoulder. She visibly tenses in his embrace when her eyes land on mine. She pulls away from him. Is that guilt and shock burning in her gaze?

My smile slips off my face.

I break eye contact and stare hard at my hands. Oddly enough, I am moved by the wave of anger washing over me. I'm physically torn between wanting to get up and hug her or storming out of the Lunch Box in a fit of rage.

The truth is I haven't spoken to her in a long time. Cheryl stopped answering my texts over a year ago and somewhere along the way, I guess I stopped caring. Although it had fucking killed me in the beginning, I learnt to ignore the ache simmering inside of me whenever she'd decline my calls. Whenever she'd never check my texts. I got over it, even though I never learnt what I'd done to have her act this way towards me.

She has never told me, and I'm done playing guess-who with her.

And the way she's looking at me right now is clear indication that I'm the last thing she expects. She doesn't want to see me.

I get up and try to smile at her but she whips her head the other way and... I'm left hanging once again. A year and a half later and I'm still fucking left hanging. Embarrassment rockets through me at being rejected and I sit my ass back down.

Tara is the first one to realize that I still exist. Her face is flushed, probably from excitement of having Cher so close. She waves her hand at me like a maniac. "Trent - Hey!"

Doesn't mean I can't smile at her. She nears our table and I give her a brotherly hug. But my eyes can't help but riveting back to Cheryl, who seems preoccupied with everything but catching my gaze. Twisting her hair. Fiddling with the strap of her purse.

Dammit, why can't she look at me? Why can't she tell me what I fucking did wrong?

The shock of seeing her standing in front of me is so strong that I remain in my reverie even as I pull away from Tara.

"How's my favorite guy doing?" Tara asks good-naturedly, with a little bounce to her steps.

I swat her butt playfully. "Just fine and yourself?"

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