Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Lottie's POV



I found myself back at my table in the workshop after everything had happened at the party a few days later. My DM phone, the DM standing for De-monster Magnet, was finished and lying on the table beside me all pretty like it had been when I first picked it up. I even made myself a case for it and it had LOTTIE written on it in light blue jewels in pretty calligraphy writing that one of the daughters of Athena without dyslexia did for me. When I presented my new invention to the camp I had people lining up wanted me to make one for them. I think I had a cue of around thirty or forty demigods asking for one but I told them not to rush me as I would make them later. Right now though, I was decorating my armour.

One little thing about me that almost everyone should know; you touch my armour and you get put into the infirmary, it really was quite simple to learn really. I consider my armour to be my baby. I had made my armour out of scrap celestial bronze pieces when I was only twelve years old and over time I had been tinkering with it so that it was my personal item. I had done the same for my sword and my shield. Usually, if you were a son or daughter of Aphrodite, if you used a weapon (very scarce at the moment with my siblings) they would use a bow and arrow, you know like cupid. I, however was drawn to the sword at a very young age. That payed of nowadays because I am currently considered the best female swordsman in camp. It was an awesome accomplishment for Aphrodite cabin and one that my siblings can really be proud of. 

I had my earphones in and my music blaring to the good old music that is One Direction. In passing I had heard a rumour that Apollo was going to make the boys immortal like he did with the Beatles and the other really popular artists so that they can sing in Olympus but with my siblings, who knows which rumours were true. I hadn't realized anyone was with me until they pulled out one of my headphones and screamed my name in my ear.

"LOTTIE!!" I cringed as my precious ears took a blow before turning to Hayden and slapping his arm weakly.

"What is it?" I asked him. He had a smile on his face that had a glimpse of something devious and mysterious. I was about to repeat the question again when it dawn on me and I began to mirror his smile back to him.

"Time?" I said.


I put down the cleaning cloth and placed my armour carefully on the manikin I had out for it and put the manikin in the large case. No doubt I would be tinkering or cleaning it again later. But as of now I wasn’t thinking about my baby but of the possible outcomes of what we were about to do if it worked perfectly to plan. It was now payback time. 


"Hey, are you guys going to head down to the campfire?” I asked Annabeth and Percy just after we had finished eating. They were yet again hand in hand walking to their favourite place; the beach, and by their, I meant Percy’s. It’s crazy to think that it had only been a day since I met him but I consider Percy to be an older brother in the way that we had bonded so quickly. I felt as if I had known him as long as I had known Annie which had practically been my while life.

"Nah, We're going to head down to the beach before curfew," Percy told me what I already knew. "We should train in the amphitheatre tomorrow though; I'll be down at 10ish" 

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