Chapter 18

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A.N- So looking at my story now, I am so happy at the amount of people have been supporting it throughout the 5/6 month period that my story has been released. It is INCREDIBLE that I have 7340 reads already. I love all of my readers and I want to thank you all for coming this far. Now, I am going to go onto the thing that you have been here for; my newest chapter!!


Chapter 17 recap

"I need you." I cried out in desperation "I need you more than anyone in the world. You are the rock I go to. I can't let the rock crumble." 
He lifted his only good arm and I hooked my fingers through his.

"Promise me you will be happy," he said. "Promise me that you will not become a Bella Cullen New Moon."

I laugh again knowing that he knew perfectly well that I hated that series which my siblings adored. I nodded hard.

"Swear it, on the river stix" He urged weakly. 
I took a shaking breath "I swear it on the river stix," my voice broke twice through it and the thunder of the oath boomed around me.

"I love you Charlotte Marie Stark," Hayden said and with a final breath I could tell he faded away.

The sound that I had emitted next was one that I had ever heard before. The animalistic screech as I clung to his forever lifeless body was so vulnerable and wounded yet fierce.

He was gone, just like the prophecy said

"With one final breath they'll fade away" 

Lottie's POV

 In the aftermath of the event I don't think I could feel anything. The numbness had invaded my body with that took every feeling inside of me. I still had Hayden's head sitting on my lap with his now limp hand in my own. A minute must have passed before something happened. There was a glowing that surrounded the dragons body and in an instant it vanished. The glowing had stopped and the dragon had disappeared. Anothing thing that happened was the break of the clouds showing the clear blue sky and the sun; not another raindrop fell.

I could see myself absentmindedly brushing my free arm through Hayden's mousey brown hair and wiping the combining tears and rain from his pale face. I wasn’t a stranger to death. It wasn’t that long ago that I was saying my goodbyes to a lot of my family and friends before and yet this felt like a new experience. I reached the hand that was stroking his hair and closed his storm grey eyes. Now it looked as if he was sleeping; how I wish that was the case.

I didn’t know how long time passed until I could see the shadows of people surrounding me. I knew that it was the Avengers and maybe Lucas though because none of the shadows were wearing reindeer horns. I wanted to speak to them but I could make myself do it. Everything in my body was running on autopilot and I was contempt to keep it that way; I didn’t know what I would do if I had free movement of myself.

I could feel my hands being eased away from the body and the body itself was being carried away by Captain America with Clint and Natasha by their sides. Everyone had a sombre look on their face. I could see a rouge tear leave Natasha’s eye as she looked at me in sympathy where I was still frozen on the floor. I wanted to take the body back and scream at them to leave Hayden alone. I wanted to hold his hand and be near him and never let him go but my body was failing on me.

Charlotte Stark (Avengers/ Percy Jackson)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें