Please, please read :-)

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I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who's been reading my stories. I've only been on Wattpad for a few months, but I love it and it means a lot to me. I know I've said this before, but I remember when I only had three followers and like 43 reads on Expect the Unexpected. Now I have 65 followers and 15K on You Bring Out the Best in Me. Thank you to all of you who comment and vote and even the ones that don't, thank you for reading my stories.

Also, thank you especially to the friends I've made on here. (I'm not gonna call you out but you know who you are.) The ones that I PM every day to complain or fangirl or roleplay or talk about the weather because we can. I met one because she said I was her favorite writer, another because we were both reading each other's stories, and the other because I was upset about not being able to go to a concert. Yes, I only have three PM friends but it means a lot to me that they take their time to talk to me outside of my stories.

Thank you for putting up with my weird updating schedules and annoying endings to my chapters, and strange titles, and splitting chapters into parts, and random chapter lengths, and my "not an update but please read" posts, and that weird smiley face collage/signature that I always put at the end. Thank you, thank you, thank you to all 65 of my followers and whoever else is reading this.

Thank you for making me feel like I'm worth something. I haven't told any of my friends or family members about this becuase I feel like they wouldn't understand. I mean, who else would understand why I write about five famous girls that date each other, and get into car accidents, and slip into comas, and break stuff, and forget about their anniversaries, and repetitively end up in near-death situations, and cheat on each other, other than the fandom? Exactly. So for now it's my little secret. But I'm not ashamed of it. I love it. I love that you guys care about my writing becuase it makes me feel special. I'm not as well known as some people and I don't have as many followers or as many reads as them, but everyone who does follow me and read my stories: thank you. Thank you so, so much for making my life better.

And also shout out to that one person (you know who you are, too) that I haven't really PMed but she's been with me since ETU and she still messages me every once in a while and comments on my stories. Thank you for that. :-)

I love you guys,

Merry Christmas! :-) :-P ;-P O:-) :-* :-D

P.S.- I know what you're thinking, and yes: I will update later.

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