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Olivia's POV

"Smile for mommy!" I say to Emily who giggled. I smile and snap a picture of her on my phone. I've got about a million of her on my cellphone.

"She's adorable." Someone says and I look up to see the woman at the register talking to me. "Thank you." I say.

"What's her name?" The woman asked. "Her name's Emily." I say. "Beautiful name. What's yours?" She asked me.

"My name's Olivia." I say. "It's nice to meet you Olivia. I'm Alexis Carewood." She said. I smiled at her before looking back at Emily.

She began to cry and I gave her my finger to chew on before searching my white backpack with the green strings for one of her teething rings.

Emily's begun to teeth lately so sometimes she starts crying out of nowhere so I try to get her a teething ring quickly.

"Teething?" Miss Carewood asked. "Yea." I say as I pull out a teething ring. I take my finger and quickly give her the teething ring that she begins chewing on happily.

"My son was the same way." Miss Carewood laughed. "Really?" I ask. Carewood sounds familiar, but I just can't place it. "Yea. Nick was an easy baby when he wasn't teething." She said.

"Nick? As in, Nick Carewood from my classes at Lincoln High?" I ask. "You know my son?" She asks.

"Who knows me?" Someone said and I looked over at the front door of Papa Jake's Coffee House.

Yep, definitely him.

"Olivia." Miss Carewood said, gesturing to me. "Olivia Jamison?" Nick said. "That's me." I say.

"Aren't you in my third period History class?" He asks. "Yea. I sit in front of you." I say. "With your head bent down in the History textbook and notebook." He said. "Yep." I say, blushing in embarrassment.

"Who's that?" Nick asked, gesturing to Emily. "This is Emily." I say, tickling her cheek. "She's cute." He says.

"Thanks." I say. "I don't think I've ever seen you in here." He says. "This is my first time in here. It's absolutely charming." I say.

"Thank you." Miss Carewood said. "You're welcome Miss Carewood." I say. "Please, just call me Alexis." She said. "Alright." I say.

"Is that homework?" She asked. "Yes." I say. "Why?" "Why don't you two do your homework together?" She suggested to Nick & I.

Immediately my guard went up. Ever since Michael left me, I've been cautious of letting guys in. That was about.... 14 months ago.

"Okay Ma." Nick shrugged and then sat across from me. He smiled at Emily who giggled and stared at him with her curious blue eyes. She gets her eyes from Michael.

So Nick and I begin to do our homework while Emily chewed on her teething ring, staring at Nick & I.

"Ugh! I just don't understand this!!" I groaned, dropping my pencil on my Math homework.

"Want some help?" Nick asks and I stare at him cautiously for a few moments before I push the homework towards him.

"You're struggling with this?" He asks and I scowl. "I just mean that only last year you were at the top of all of your classes." He says.

"How do you know that?" I ask. "I read the school newspaper." He shrugs and I nod. "Well, things change." I say vaguely.

"I can't get this." I said, trying to figure it out again. "Here, let me try." He said as he walked me through it step by step.

As he was showing me the problem, I noticed how quiet Emily had been. She wasn't like this when I was with Jace, a guy I've known since third grade. She would cry whenever he came five feet close to me. Yet, Nick is within that, and she's completely calm.

That's weird.

"Do you get it now?" He asks. "Yea. Thanks Nick." I say. "No problem. So, what do you like to do for fun?" He asks and I raise an eyebrow.

"I thought we could try being friends." He said. "Well, I'm really into photography." I say. "That's cool. I like writing." He says. "That sounds interesting. Have any stories in the works?" I say. "Actually, yea." He said.

"Really? What's it about?" I ask. "It's about this boy and girl who go to highschool together. When a big company wants to tear down their school, the two join together and fight for their school, finding that they're soulmates in the process." He tells me.

"You believe in soulmates?" I ask. "I believe everyone has a soulmate, they just have to keep a sharp eye out and follow their heart. Do you believe in soulmates?" He says.

"Not really." I shrug. "Why not?" He asks. I didn't say anything to that.

"That's personal." I say after a few moments of silence. "I understand. Where are you from?" He asks. "I'm from California. When I was eight, my parents moved me up here to New York." I say.

"I've been in New York my whole life." He says. "Must be nice." I muttered under my breath. "So.... who's the father?" He asked, glancing over at Emily for a split second.

"My ex-boyfriend." I say. "She has his eyes." "She looks a lot like you." He said. "Thanks." I say.

"What about you? Any special person in your life?" I ask. "Nope. You?" He asks. "Not for awhile now." I shrug.

"And yet you're a mom?" He asks curiously. "He wasn't the right guy." I say. "Ah." He said.

We were just sitting there when Emily's father came in with a girl from school. I think her name's Nicole.

I don't think it's fair that when he found out about his daughter, he just started his life all over.

Especially since I got kicked out of my home when I told my parents that I had gotten pregnant.

"Olivia, are you okay?" Nick asked, breaking me away from my thoughts. "Yea. I'm fine." I lie.

"You sure?" He asked. I was hesitant, but I told the truth. I mean, babies are really good judges of character and Emily seems to trust Nick, so why shouldn't I?

"Actually, no. That's Emily's dad, Michael." I say, gesturing over to Michael with his arm around Nicole, his girlfriend.

"And you still hurt from your guys' break up?" He asks. "Something like that." I say.

Michael's POV

As Nicole & I sat down, I saw Olivia with Emily and some guy I think I've seen around school.

My grin becomes mischevious when I saw Nicole glaring over at Emily. Nicole and I both hate that little pathetic baby. I don't know why Nicole hates Emily, but I hate Emily because that girl nearly wrecked my life.

I don't want anything to do with that thing in Olivia's arms.

Nicole's glare got fiercer out of nowhere and I looked to see Olivia had glanced over here for a moment.

"No need to be jealous, Babe." I say to her and she flashed me a smile. "I'm not. I just don't like the thing that dares call herself the mother of your child. We both know it's not your child." She says.

Nicole and I refuse to believe that Emily is my daughter, so that comment did not throw me. At all.

Olivia can't prove that Emily's my daughter, so why should I say she's my daughter?

I look back over to see her laughing with that guy, Emily giggling a bit. What's so funny over there?

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