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Logan's POV

I sit in my jail cell, glaring at the police officer that sits at his desk on the other side of the cell bars. This is insane.

Now what should I do? I've already tried to escape this wretched place twice. I was allowed one call and so I called my nephew to let him know I'd been arrested.

I'd been sentenced to six years here in prison. How they got ahold of my criminal record is beyond me though. I'm not worried though. I'll break out before then. I just got to figure out how to.

They better not be thinking that this is all over. No. It's barely even started.

Nicole's POV

I jumped on Michael's back when he came into the school, catching him by surprise. "Hey Nicole. Why'd you do that?" He chuckled at me. "To surprise you." I giggle as I kiss his cheek.

"Well you did." He said and grabbed my legs, holding me on his back more securely.

"Hey you two." Olivia said as she & Nick came up. "Hiya." I chirped and Olivia chuckled. "What are you doing?" She asked me.

"Never mind that. My Godfather told me that you guys were attacked by someone named Logan Charleston over the weekend. He's a police officer." I say, wondering what they'll say.

"We were." Nick said. "I'd say we're lucky that Nick got out of that unhurt. He kept me where I couldn't be seen." She said as Nick wrapped his arm around her.

"I would willingly die if it meant protecting you." Nick told her, kissing her temple as she blushed.

"Same here for Nicole." Michael said and I grinned. "Who wants to go to the movies after school? The movie The Princess Bride is coming out at six." I say and Olivia smiled.

"I heard about that movie. I'll come. Anyone else up to it?" Olivia asked. "Sure." Michael shrugged. "I don't see why not." Nick said.

"Let's get to homeroom." Michael said when the bell rang and I jumped off of his back. We all started walking to homeroom, talking & laughing together. We're an interesting bunch if you ask me actually.

A future author, aka Nick.
A future photographer/current mom, aka Olivia.
A future fashion designer, aka me.
A future teacher, aka Michael.

We've all got our goals and we all know we can do it. Sure, it's gonna be a while. We're still only Juniors in highschool, but I know that once we all graduate college, everything will fall into place. I know it will.

We headed into homeroom and all sat down. These past couple of months have been pretty awesome if you ask me.

Michael's POV

Nicole and I got to the Coffee House that we tend to hang out at pretty much every day now. Since Olivia & Nick both work here, we come around to give them some company and so I could see Emily after school.

I regret having not been part of her life for the first six months, but I can't dwell on the past. I have the rest of her life to make up for it.

"Hey." Nicole & I chorused when we walked in. Olivia & Nick both looked up from the tables they were at. "Hey guys." They chorus.

Mrs. Carewood came out with Emily and gave her to me with a warm smile before disappearing into the kitchen again.

"Hey Emily." I said and she giggled, grabbing at my hair. "Ow ow ow." I say, prying her tiny hands off of my hair.

She actually does look like Olivia. Except for her eyes. Her eyes are mine. It makes me smile, knowing that she has something of mine.

"You're such a great father." Nicole said, smiling. I love to know that she's happy and that it's because of me she is. I love her so much and I just want her to be happy. Well, that and safe.

I wrapped an arm around her and kissed her cheek as Emily giggled up at us, grabbing Nicole's shirt with a smile.

Nicole took Emily in her arms and cradled her. I watched and couldn't help but grin at the two. My girls. That's probably what Nick thinks of Olivia and Emily actually.

I'm honestly just waiting for him to admit that he's gonna propose to Olivia one day. I can see how much he loves her and that he does plan on proposing one day, but he has yet to admit it. That stubborn man.

"I love you Nicole." I say. "I love you too Michael." She said and I kissed her for a moment before looking down at Emily.

Nick's POV

Olivia and I finish up our shifts at about 5:30. I grab her and pull her close, making her giggle.

"Hi." She said, staring up into my eyes. "Hey." I say, pulling her into a loving kiss. She immediately kissed me back and I brought one hand from her waist to the back of her neck. I pulled her a bit closer as the kiss deepened.

Sometimes it still amazes me at how much my life's changed since I met Olivia. Now I can't even imagine my life without Olivia and Emily. They're my family.

"I love you." She breathed when we broke from our kiss. "I love you too." I whispered. "Come on guys. It's time to go." I heard Nicole call and I scowled. I wanted to kiss Olivia some more.

"Coming!" Olivia called and pulled me out of the kitchen. Nicole gave Emily back to Olivia and we all agreed to meet at the movie theater.

I drove Olivia there in my car with Emily. When we got there, I twirled Olivia before we headed up into the theater.

We all paid for popcorn, drinks, and some candy before heading to see Tomorrowland. Olivia sat next to me with Emily in her lap while Nicole sat on her other side next to Michael. I kissed Olivia's cheek as I draped my arm across her shoulders. She laid her head on my shoulder with a contented sigh.

I've got something with Olivia that will always be worth fighting for. That's true love. I'll always fight for her. For us. No matter what.

Olivia's POV

I laughed as Nick tickled me that night after the movie of The Princess Bride. I'm almost positive that one day we'll have to face some sort of trouble again, but I'm not scared. I know the one thing I've needed to know all along.

Nick's always going to be there. I have no reason to be scared that he's going to leave. He's going to stay by my side until we die.

"I love you." Nick said. "I love you too." I say and he kissed me. I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck.

Emily's cries broke us apart and we both got up, going over to her. I picked her up and felt Nick's arm encircle my waist as his other hand supported Emily's head.

I don't know what's going to happen next, but I know for a fact that Nick & I will get through it. Together.

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