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Logan's POV

I sit in my car, staring at the house I'd watched that boy take Princess Olivia and her daughter into. I'd gone unseen as I had followed them too.

Now it's nearing nine and neither one has come out. Do they live together or something? If they're living together, this might be a bit more difficult than I originally thought.

I suddenly get a call and look at the caller ID with a groan. It's my brat of a sister. She and I have never gotten along. Especially when it came to my beliefs vs hers.

"What?" I spat when I answered the call. "I overheard William talking about how you're going to take a woman captive and make sure she marries him. Is that true?!" She snapped.

I know better than to tell the truth in this one though. Instead, I tell her what she wants to hear.

"Of course not." I lie. "You're lying!" She growled. "Am not!" I say. "Yes you are! When you lie, your voice drops an octave or two. And your voice did that twice. You're lying!!" She hissed.

"Fine. So I'm gonna get Princess Olivia to marry your son. Do you want your son to marry a commoner like you did?" I snap.

"I don't care who he marries! So long as he's happy, I'm okay with whoever he chooses to marry. So when Olivia's parents approached me with the proposition of a betrothal, William was so excited and saying how much he loved her that I willingly betrothed him to her. However, now I know she does not love him back. Besides, I'm almost positive that he thinks he loves her because of his childhood crush on her." She scolded me.

"Whatever. I got to go. Talk to you later Tonya." I say irritatedly before hanging up on her. I swear, that woman is going to be the death of me.

I watch that house until I finally notice a light on in one of the windows with the shadow of two people dancing. I sat up straighter and watched curiously.

It was clearly a woman and a man. Maybe Olivia and that boy, Nick, I think. The woman threw her head back and I think she was laughing at something. Then the man twirled her and they both disappeared from my view through the window.

I'm tired of waiting for her to be alone. I mean, how much damage can one teenage boy do? I'll just have to get her tonight, regardless of where that boy is.

It was now midnight. The light finally went off about an hour ago and I was about to go in after that girl.

I got out of my car and went to the front door. I pulled a pin out of my pocket and fiddled around with the lock. When I finally get in, I silently shut the door and start searching for Princess Olivia.

Soon I find her sleeping. She wasn't alone though. That boy was with her and he seemed to be holding her tight. Now how am I supposed to do this?

Nick's POV

I felt Olivia tense and wake up, staring down at her. She was still sleeping, but she'd grown tense and I doubted it was because of a nightmare.

As I look up, I knew I was right. William's uncle was standing right there. He was muttering to himself about what to do in order to capture Olivia.

I carefully start to take my arms off of Olivia, immediately feeling her grip around my waist tighten. I moved aside some of her hair so I could whisper in her ear.

"Trust me Olivia. Just let go. I'll be with you again in just a few minutes, maybe even moments." I whisper quietly and she loosens her grip, allowing me to climb out of bed.

I silently walked around the bed as the man looked anywhere but where I was, giving me an advantage. Once I stood behind him, I grabbed his wrists and pinned them behind his back.

"What the?!" He hissed. I shoved him out of the room and quietly shut the door so Olivia isn't woken by whatever happens.

"How did you get into my house?!" I hiss, watching as he stood up. "How else? I broke in." He said as he reached his hand into his jacket.

"What are you grabbing?" I ask suspiciously. He simply smirks, causing me to stand in front of Olivia's door to make sure he couldn't get to her.

He pulled out a gun. "Hands up." He said and I did as he said. He could do whatever he wanted to me. I'd be dead before I allowed him near Olivia. "Step aside boy." He said.

"No." I say firmly, using one hand to reach for my dad's phone on the table here in the hallway. William's uncle was oblivious to what I was reaching for and kept his gun pointed at me.

"I repeat. Move aside, or I'll kill you." He said as I got my hand on my dad's phone. I swiftly and silently called the cops. Then once I knew they'd answered my call, I brought the phone to my ear.

"Hi, my name is Nick Carewood. A man has broken into my house and is threatening my life. He's also been attempting to kidnap my girlfriend, Olivia Jamison." I say quickly before giving my address.

"We're sending police to your location now, sir." The woman said and I thanked her before hanging up and putting the phone back on the table.

He glared fiercely and shot at me. I ducked and it hit the door. I immediately heard Olivia yell my name as she woke up and Emily start crying. I knew my parents and sister would be up any minute so I had to figure out a way to keep this man from harming them to get to Olivia or Emily.

I see my mom & dad come into the hallway and know I have to do something to protect Olivia & everyone else. If I can just distract him long enough to take the gun away.

"Who are you?" Dad hissed at the man and I exchanged a look with him, discreetly pointing at the gun. He nodded and I refocused on Logan Charleston, as Olivia had said his name was.

"Leave this house. Now." I demand, getting his focus on me as my dad started walking up behind him. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Gracie come out of her room and immediately hide behind Mom. I wasn't going to let this man touch anyone in my family. That's out of the question.

"Now why would I listen to you? I'm of a higher position than you." He says. "That may be true in your own kingdom, but you're in America now." I say as Dad stands behind the man.

I watch as he quickly takes the gun and tosses it to my mom who grabs Gracie's hand and runs into her room.

The door behind me opened and I heard Olivia gasp as I pull her behind me, keeping her out of sight.

Then I heard sirens. "The cops are here. There's nowhere to run." I say and then there was a bang on the door. Dad goes to open it and I keep my eyes locked on the man as I gently push Olivia back into her room, telling her to stay there until I said so.

I closed her door before looking back at Logan Charleston. A few seconds later the police came and Dad told them that this was the man I'd called them about.

"His name is Logan Charleston." I say and watch as they drag him out of my house, one cop staying and asking for any weapons he might've used. Mom comes out and hands them the gun. The cop then leaves the house and everything goes silent.

Immediately I spin around and go into Olivia's room, running over to her sitting on the bed with Emily in her arms. I wrap my arms around Olivia, causing Emily to be between us as she cried.

"Did you get hurt? I heard a gunshot." She whispered, terror audible in her voice. "I dodged it. I didn't get hurt." I assure her as she tried to calm Emily down. I started to help her and soon, Emily had gone back to sleep. I took her from Olivia and took her to the crib, laying her in it carefully before going back to Olivia.

"I was so scared Nick." She whispered as I wrap my arms around her, pulling her against my chest. "I know. Don't worry though. He's been arrested and won't hurt you." I say, kissing the top of her head.

She buried her face in my shirt and I held her tighter. "I love you." She said. "I love you too." I say.

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