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Nick's POV

I hear the doorbell ring as I work on my book in my room. Olivia was doing something with my mom and Emily was sitting next to me, chewing on her teething ring.

It's been about two weeks since we got back from Taaron and Emily seems to be attached to me when she wasn't with Olivia. I liked it.

I heard Carlo's voice drift through the house and put away my notebook before picking Emily up.

"Come on Em. Let's go keep my cousin away from your mommy." I say and she giggled as I carried her into the living room.

I glared when I saw Carlo visibly flirting with Olivia. I walked over just as I heard him ask her, "What do you do in your spare time?"

"Spend time with my daughter Olivia. She's with Nick right now." She says and he walked off so quickly, I could've sworn he was racing something.

"What was that?" I asked before kissing her. "I've told you that guys just take off when they find out I'm a mom." She says when we break apart from our loving kiss.

At school it was because Michael had warned the guys to stay away from her, but Carlo doesn't know about that. So maybe I can figure out why guys wouldn't want to date a woman with a daughter.

I mean, Olivia is amazing.

"I'll take my daughter now. That look in your eye tells me you want to talk to that cousin of yours." She says as she takes Emily. I chuckle and kiss her deeply before walking off to find Carlo in my room.

"What's up man?" He asked as we highfived. "I'm good. Except for the fact that I pretty much want to kill you for flirting with my girlfriend." I say, glaring at him.

"She's hot. She's all yours though. I don't want to date a mother." He said. "Why is that?" I ask him. "That's easy." He said, sitting on my bed.

"Girls with kids are committed to their child. So naturally, they'd only go out with a guy who can commit. I can't commit. You can though." He said.

"Olivia's awesome though!" I say. "Not saying she can't be awesome. I'm just saying that since she's a mom, she'd only go out with someone who can commit." He said.

"I guess that makes sense then." I say. "No more flirting with her though." "Swear." He said and we headed off to the kitchen. We both wanted to see if we could get a taste of the cake my mom was sure to be baking.

"Hey Olivia." I say when we come in and I kiss her cheek. "Hi Nick. You're not getting any cake yet." She said and I gaped at her.

"How in the world did you know I was going for that?" I ask as I kiss Emily's forehead as she was in Olivia's arms.

"Your mom." She said as she stood in front of the cake batter that Carlo & I always tried to get.

"Darn." I say and kiss her as I bring my hand around her to get some of the batter on my finger.

When we pull apart, I taste the cake batter I'd managed to get. "Yum." I say. "Nicholas Logan Carewood!" She scolded me with a gasp as Carlo attempted to get around her.

She whacked his hand and waved her finger threateningly at me. "Touch that batter, you'll have me to deal with." She said and I grinned.

"Is that a threat? Or a way to get me to want you in my arms even more?" I whisper before kissing her passionately.

That allowed Carlo to get some cake batter to taste.

"Stop sneaking cake batter!" She scolds us and I start laughing. "You know we aren't ten anymore." I said. "Well then stop sneaking cake batter like you're ten." She says.

"Okay. On one condition." I say, leaning towards her as Carlo left the kitchen. "What?" She giggled.

"I'm pretty sure you know." I say and kiss her deeply, putting one hand on her waist and the other on her cheek.

I stepped closer to her and would've kept kissing her if Emily hadn't giggled between us. I pulled away from Olivia and grinned goofily at Emily. She giggled again.

"I love you Olivia." I say. "I love you too Nick." She said and I looked down at Emily. "And I love you." I say and kiss her head.

Lorelei ran in before Olivia or I could say another word. Little cousins.

"Hey Lor." I say to the eight year old. "Hi Nick! Is that your girlfriend Olivia?!" She asked, staring at Olivia.

"Yep." I say and kiss Olivia's cheek. She smiled at me before looking at Lorelei. "It's nice to meet you Lorelei." Olivia said and Lorelei squealed before asking Olivia if we're going to get married one day.

That made Olivia blush like crazy.

"I hope so." I say and Olivia looks at me curiously. "Awesome!" Lorelei said and then looked at Emily.

"She's cute. Is she yours?" Lorelei asked. "Yes she is. This is Emily." She says. "She's cute." Lorelei said before running out of the room.

"Where were we?" I say and kiss Olivia before she could respond. She squeaked in surprise but kissed me back anyways.

"Olivia! Nick! Come out here and say hello to everyone." Dad yelled and I groaned. Are they trying to interrupt us today?!

Olivia giggled at me and kissed my cheek before swiftly walking into the living room with Emily. I followed.

"Looks like the love birds don't want to be around people." Carlo teased us. "Shut up." I said.

"Why? Would you rather I sing Nick and Olivia sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love, second comes marriage, third comes a baby in a baby carriage?" He asked in a song song voice.

Olivia blushes furiously and I glare at Carlo. "Shut it." I hiss and he smirked at me.

"What? I'm just asking." He said and I glared harder. "Shut. Up." I snapped as I sit on the couch next to Olivia, Emily in her lap.

"You're the one who said you hope so when Lorelei asked Olivia if you guys were going to get married one day." He says and I groaned.

"Don't you dare start Carlo!" I say. "Oh really?" Dad and Uncle Bryan chorused and I groan. "Carlo. You're dead." I said and begin chasing him around the house.

When we got back to the living room, Olivia was laying on the couch, laughing her lungs out. The sight made me smile as I picked Emily up off Olivia and sat beside the very amused Olivia.

"You two are worse than my brother Jason and I!" She laughed out and I grinned at her. She was definitely happy, and I was glad of that.

When she finally calmed down, she sat up and leaned against me with her head on my shoulder.

So we all started talking and laughing, having a pretty awesome time. Olivia seemed to be completely relaxed and my family was already treating her like family.

I think this is gonna be a good Christmas.

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