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Olivia's POV

It's been a month since Christmas. Now it's January and I'm in the kitchen, finishing up a cup of water at 2 in the morning. I just couldn't sleep.

I can't help but fear that Nick's about to leave me. I don't want to get hurt again. He'd helped build me back to the woman I once was. If he leaves me, I'll be crushed.

"Olivia, are you okay? It's two thirty in the morning." Nick asked as he walked in. I rinsed out my cup before facing him.

"Why?" I choked out, tears stinging at my eyes. "Why what?" He asked, coming to put his hands on my arms. I wanted so badly for him to just hold me and let me remain in his arms as long as I wanted, but no. He's about to leave me; I just know it.

"Why did you make me think you're always going to be here for me? When you know you're going to leave me like everyone else has." I whisper, finding it the only way I was positive I wouldn't start crying on the spot.

"I'm not going to leave you. Ever. I love you so much Olivia." He said, pulling me close to him. I pushed away from him, tears falling from my eyes.

"Why are you about to leave me then?" I ask through my tears. "I'm not. Olivia, I love you." He says. "Nick! We both know you're going to leave so why are you doing this to me?!" I sob, wiping at my eyes furiously.

"I'm not going to leave you Olivia." He says. "You're lying. Everyone leaves." I cry and I wish I could say Nick was different. I knew he wasn't though. Nobody's ever stayed. Even if they do come back, they leave me at some point and it makes my heart crack.

When Nick leaves me, I'll break. I won't be able to hold it together any longer.

"Olivia, I'm here to stay. I'm not ever going to leave you. EVER!" He said. I shook my head sadly. "Nick, you're going to leave me one day and we both know it! Stop it. Stop lying to me. Please." I beg him.

Yes, I know it sounds like I have trouble with being abandoned and it's true. I have abandonment issues.

"Please believe me Olivia! I'm not going to leave you." He pleaded me, grabbing my arms. I shook my head and ran. I ran outside and came to a stop in the front yard. I was crying hard now and I was waiting for it.

I was waiting for the goodbye.

Nick's POV

The second Olivia ran, I chased after her. I'd seen it in her eyes. She was scared. She was scared that I was going to leave her.

I ran out into the rain and grabbed Olivia's hand, spinning her around. Tears streamed from her eyes as I put my hands on her face.

"Olivia. Please believe me. I love you and I will never leave you. Ever." I say. I could see the fear and doubt in her eyes as she shook her head at me. "Everyone leaves Nick. At some point you will too." She said through tears.

"I love you with every ounce of my blood and every bone in my body. I love you more than life itself. I'll never leave you." I tell her.

"You can't make that promise Nick." She says.

"Yes I can. I'm making that promise. I'll never leave you. Never in any parallel universe would I ever leave you. I would rather die a thousand times than have never even gotten the chance to catch a glimpse of you. Olivia, I'm insanely in love with you and will never let you go. I'll never leave you." I say, pulling her closer.

Her tears were slowing down as she listened to what I said. "What if you change your mind?" She said fearfully.

That's when I realized it. She's not just scared that I'm going to leave her. She's also scared of being in love again.

"I will always be here for you. You can always count on me. I won't ever leave you." I tell her. "Why?" She asks. "Because I love you. More then anything I love you." I say.

Her tears finally come to a stop and she stares at me. "Please believe me." I say desperately.

Slowly, a small smile formed on her lips. "I'm starting to." She said and I pulled her into a tight hug. She buried her face in my shirt and I picked her up, carrying her inside.

I carried her straight to her room. I laid her on her bed before laying beside her, pulling her close.

"I'm right here Olivia. When you wake up, I'll still be right here." I whisper to her and she nods against my chest before falling asleep. I pulled her covers up over us and kissed her forehead before letting sleep overtake me.

Olivia's POV

I yawn quietly as I wake up and felt Nick's arms around me. I looked up to see him sleeping peacefully.

He's still here. He actually does want to stay. That thought makes me smile and I lay my head back on his chest.

His arms tighten around me when I adjust my position and I giggled. "I don't leave. I get left." I whisper sadly, hoping against all hope that Nick doesn't leave me.

I take a glance over at my alarm clock. 7:30. How on Earth did I wake up before my alarm clock went off?

"Morning Olivia." He mumbled after a minute, opening his eyes as he yawned. "Morning. You stayed." I say.

"I'll always stay." He says and I try to get up. Immediately he grabbed ahold of me and pulled me into his chest.

"Lay here with me. At least until your alarm goes off." He muttered into my hair sleepily. I snuggled into him and he smiled at me.

I want Nick to stay with me. I don't want him to ever leave me, but a small part of me still believes he's going to leave. Like he's just waiting for someone better to come along. I thought.

"Olivia. I'm never going to leave you. I promise." He said before kissing my head. "I'm not waiting for anything either, so stop thinking that."

"How did you know I thought that?" I ask. "You were thinking aloud." He explained and I blushed. "I love you." He says. "I love you too." I say and he smiles at that.

I lay my head on his chest and he starts playing with my hair. Closing my eyes, I imagine always waking up this way. His arms wrapped securely around me, making me feel safe and like he's protecting me even as he sleeps.

My alarm clock breaks me out of my thoughts and I quickly turn it off before laying my head back on Nick's chest, wrapping my arms around his waist as he goes back to playing with my hair.

As he does this, I watch Emily over in her crib. She was sleeping soundly and I smiled at that. She's always been an easy baby. I hope she's always like that, but it's very doubtful that she will.

I smile at the thought of Nick one day asking me to marry him. The idea of him being Emily's step dad. The three of us an actual family instead of a potential one.

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