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Richard's POV

"How do we get them to stay away from one another?" My wife asked me. "Simple we frame him for stealing one of the families most prize possessions." I say.

"The picture frame made of gold." Isadora says. "Exactly. We get that on him and he's framed for stealing. Then we can lock him up and our daughter will never see him again. She'll lose her will and want to stay here." I say.

"Perfect." She says. "Now we just need to plant it on him. We will do it at dinner." I told her.

Nick's POV

I twirl Olivia around as we walk and she smiled while Emily giggled since Olivia was holding her.

When we get there, Olivia steps out of my grasp and walked into the enormous dining room.

I ended up sitting across from Olivia who kept her head down. That definitely caught my attention.

More so than her wearing a dress, even though she looks beautiful.

"Olivia, lift up your head." Her father said and she did. "Yes Father." She said and then the meal was served.

I was about to say something, but Olivia sent me a look that had me keeping my mouth shut.

Olivia fed Emily with a smile and I smiled too. The dinner was silent and something tells me this was how it was when Olivia was a little girl.

After a minute, Olivia put her elbows on the table and rested her head in her hands.

"Olivia!" Her mother said and immediately Olivia was sitting up straight with a plastered on bright smile.

"My apologies Mother." She says forcefully before exchanging a look with Jason. She grabbed a piece of chicken from her plate and handed it to Jason who secretly put it on Isadora's plate.

I raised an eyebrow and watched as Isadora picked up the chicken with her fork. The second she saw the chicken, she dropped her fork with a clatter and a shriek.

"Olivia and Jason!" Richard boomed and they burst out laughing. "It's funny!" They chorused.

"Oh really?" Isadora said in an intimidating voice and they both went silent. "You two are seventeen. I would have thought that at least Jason would have grown up as he was raised the correct way." Richard said.

Olivia lowered her head and I noticed a tear slip down her face. I knew she was on the verge of crying immediately.

"Don't you notice that you made her cry!" I almost yelled, but didn't want to upset Emily. "Maybe if she gets upset she will learn to behave!" Richard said angrily.

"There's a difference between a little tough love and hurting your youngest daughter!" I said. "She'll get love when she learns to act correctly." Isadora said.

"This is why Olivia is already a better mother than you will ever be. She loves Emily no matter what she does and she always will." I said, once again defending the girl I love.

"Nick, it's alright." Olivia said. "It's not alright Olivia. They robbed you and your siblings of an actual childhood. That's so no okay!" I say before turning to her parents again.

"Olivia was raised the right way and that's why she is such an amazing woman. An amazing woman who you can't even see because you refuse to see that she's not who you had planned her to be." I say.

"Young man, you're treading on thin ice here." Richard said. "I don't care!! You haven't been good parents to your kids. Did you ever ask them what THEY wanted?! What made THEM happy?!" I snap at them.

"It doesn't matter what they want. They are Royal children and the kingdom should always come first!" Richard said. "They're right Nick. It's time that I thought of the kingdom before myself." Olivia told me.

"Olivia, they aren't right. You guys should have had the opportunity to be kids and to have some fun before you grew up." I said.

"Young man, what is that poking out of your bag?" Richard asked me. I turned around to see a solid gold picture frame in my bag.

"Where did this come from?" I ask as I pull it out. Immediately Olivia and her brothers gasped.

"What?" I asked. "Guards!" Richard yelled. "Nick, how could you? That's been in the family for years!" Olivia said, very upset.

"Olivia, I promise I didn't do anything." I say as I'm being dragged away by guards. "Wait!" She said and the guards stopped. Olivia came to stand in front of me then. I so wanted to pull her into my arms and just hold her.

"Is that what this was all about? When I told you that I was a princess, did all you want was the valuables of my family?" She asked me, staring straight into my eyes.

"No Olivia. I swear, I just wanted to be with you." I say. She stared into my eyes for a moment and I couldn't recognize what it was in her eyes.

I was about to say something when Richard grabbed her arm and pulled her away from me.

"Take him away!" He said and Olivia struggled to get out of his grasp, staring at me the whole time.

When she was out of sight, I started fighting. All I was thinking about was her.

Olivia. She's everything I've ever wanted and I know that if I'm arrested, her parents will find a way to force her to do things she doesn't want to.

"No, you don't understand! Let me explain!" I say to the guards. They didn't spare me a glance at all.

"Olivia!!!!" I yelled. "Olivia!!!!"

Olivia's POV

I hear Nick yelling my name. I have to talk to him. I need to hear his side of the story. I fight my father but he's stronger then I am.

"Olivia, I told you boys with tattoos weren't any good and he stole the frame, only proving me right." Father said. "I have to go talk to him." I said.

"He needs to be a thing of the past Olivia. He only wanted you for your fortune." Father said.

"No, that's not who he is. He doesn't steal." I say as I continue to fight him.

Before I knew what was happening, I was locked in my bedroom with Emily. I was crying onto my pillow, wishing I was allowed out.

Since my father knew about the secret passages, he has the one leading into my room blocked. My bedroom doors had guards as well.

I'm not allowed out of my bedroom at all. No exceptions.

My phone rang and I picked it up, not checking the caller ID. "Hello?" I sniffed.

"Olivia, what's wrong?" Jennifer asked. "I don't know what to do Jennifer. Nick was caught with the solid gold picture frame, but he didn't take it. I swear he didn't. Now he's down in prison and I don't know what to do." I cry.

For six months I've tried to not cry in front of Emily, but I couldn't help it. I didn't even realize how much I cared for him, until I lost him.

"I'm so sorry Olivia, but I don't know what to tell you." She said and we talked for awhile before hanging up.

I screamed into my pillow like I did when I was a little girl and having a temper tantrum.

How could my father do this?! I knew he was cruel, but this is extreme. Even for him.

I cried into my pillow and eventually cried myself to sleep.

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