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Nick's POV

We got off the plane to see my mom, dad, & little sister waiting for us. I had texted them before we left, letting them know when we would land.

After that frightful visit, I realized just how lucky I really was.

My parents love me and allow me to date whoever I wish. Olivia included. And would never try to frame and then incarcerate someone I love.

"Nick!" Gracie yelled and ran over, hugging my legs. I bent down and hugged her back.

"You guys weren't supposed to be back for weeks! What happened?" Mom asked and I looked over at Olivia who looked uncomfortable.

"I'll tell you later." I say. "I love you mom and dad. You too Gracie. I don't ever tell you guys that enough." I say.

"What happened to you two overseas?" Dad asked. "I'll tell you later." I said again. I realized how lucky I was with my family and I didn't really want to bring that up with Olivia.

Not when her family was the reason I felt this way.

I mean, my dad would never lock up my girlfriend and my parents would never say I wasn't worthy of love.

And they would definitely never make me marry someone I don't love. Man, that prince guy must be angry, but that just means I'm going to have to keep an eye on Olivia.

"Let's just get home." Mom said and we got into the car. Gracie was telling me everything that happened while we were gone and I smiled.

I've always loved being her big brother, but now it's got me thinking.

Olivia's a little sister herself. Yet she probably never got to act like a little sister with her siblings.

When Gracie fell asleep, I looked over at Olivia. She was messing with her shirt as she stared down at Emily.

I wrapped my arm around Olivia and pulled her close. She smiled at me and layed her head on my shoulder.

"I love you." I tell her. "I love you too." She said. "I know why you don't believe in soulmates anymore Olivia. You shouldn't let that stop you from believing though." I whisper in her ear.

Through the mirror I could see my parents smile. They must have heard us. "How? Nick, I love you too. But how do you love me?" She asked me.

"Because you're perfect." I tell her. "No I'm not Nick." She said. "Give me one reason you aren't perfect." I tell her.

"For one I'm a teen mom." She tells me. "That doesn't mean your not perfect." I say. "Yes it does." She says. "It just means that you made a mistake. You're perfect just the way you are Olivia." I say and kiss her. She kissed me back.

We pulled apart after a minute and the car pulled into the driveway to the house.

"We're home." Dad said. "So how was your trip to see your family go Olivia?" Mom asked. "Slightly different than I expected." Olivia said and I kissed her tenderly.

"Is that good or bad?" Dad asked as we pulled apart. "Definitely bad." Olivia said and quickly got out of the car.

"What happened?" Mom asked. I shook my head and unbuckled Gracie before picking her up and carrying her inside.

I took her to her bedroom and layed her on her bed. I covered her up and kissed her forehead before turning around to see Olivia watching me with a smile.

"What?" I ask her.

Olivia's POV

I watched as Nick tucked Gracie into her bed with a smile. He would make a great father one day.

He turned around after kissing Gracie's forehead. "What?" He asked me.

"You'd make an amazing father. It must be nice for her, knowing that you love her." I say.

He walked over to me. "I love you." He says. "I love you too. So what? Do you tell her bedtime stories as well sometimes?" I chuckled.

"Actually, yea. She insists on it." He said and closed the door behind him as we walked out of her room.

"You act like a dad. With Gracie anyways." I say. "Thanks." He said. "My uncle used to do that. On my father's side anyways." I say.

"Before you came to America?" He asks. "Until a month before I was kidnapped." I say. "Why'd he stop?" He asks.

I stopped and looked at Nick. "Well, Taaron was at war with a kingdom called Malon. He was fighting in it." I say.

"I'm sorry." He said. "Thanks." I say. "So you lost your uncle, your aunt, and your grandmother. That's horrible." He said. "Yep." I say.

"I miss him." I tell Nick, trying not to cry. "It's okay Olivia. You can cry if you need to. You are one of the strongest people I know." He tells me.

"I can't cry Nick. I'm a princess Princesses don't cry." I say. "Olivia, you need to forget everything your father told you. It was all lies. You can cry." He says.

"You have no idea how much I've tried to forget what my parents told me when I was little Nick. Twelve years later and I'm still trying to forget. It's just not that easy. Maybe for people with great parents it's easy, but not for people like me." I say and then walk swiftly to my bedroom.

I sat on my bed and hugged a pillow to my chest. I have never listened to my parents and then suddenly I'm listening to them? What's going on?

"Olivia?" Someone said and I looked up to see Nick. He walks over and takes the pillow away, sitting next to me and pulling me close.

"Don't listen to them. You're perfect just the way you are. Because you're you." He says, staring into my eyes.

"I never listened to their rules growing up. Then all of a sudden, I'm listening to them." I whisper.

"Well don't." He says and I lean into him. "I love you." He said. "I love you too." I say.

We just sit there together after that. I close my eyes when I start to doze off and curl closer to Nick. Soon, I was asleep.

Nick's POV

Olivia fell asleep and I pulled her closer, staring down at her peaceful face.

She's so beautiful. She's all I could ever want in a girlfriend. She's more then that. She's my everything. She's wonderful and perfect.

But what if she doesn't truly love me? What if she only thinks she does, but really is only doing this to get back at her parents?

She wouldn't have tried to get me out of jail, would she? It's possible. She definitely wouldn't have spent hours crying my name? Right?

I brushed her hair out of her face and smiled when I saw her smiling in her sleep.

She began mumbling something in her sleep and I chuckled. I didn't think she'd be the kind of girl who'd talk in her sleep.

"Nick." She mumbled and I grinned. She's mumbling my name? Smiling, I pulled her closer to me and held her just a little bit tighter.

I started to doze off a bit and was about to get up and head to my room, but I fell asleep instead.

Alexis' POV

I walked into Olivia's room and smiled when I saw her & Nick laying together, both asleep.

"Jack." I say and he came over to see them asleep together. He chuckled. "Why does that look so familiar?" He whispered in my ear.

I stuck my tongue out at him before grabbing a spare blanket and covering the two. Nick seemed to pull her closer when I did and I shook my head amusedly.

"They're like a family." Jack said as I walked over. "Yep. How long do you think it's gonna take before he's thinking about marriage with her?" I ask.

"I give him until Christmas." Jack said and we left, smiling at the teens.

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