chapter 2

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"Second Dimension, what's that like?" Patch wondered.

"I don't know." Atticus shrugged.

"I don't know." Atticus shrugged.

"You don't know?" Patch replied before humming. "I think I know someone who might..."

At Shelter 17...

"Another dimension?" Strudel asked. "Yes, I believe I've studied some of those."

"Great, what can you tell me?" Patch asked.

"Let me see now..." Strudel said. "I've seen all sorts of different dimensions. One of them is where the dogs rule the world and humans are pets."

"Ooh." Patch smiled.

"We'll save that for another time," Strudel giggled. "Let me see... Which dimension did this Drell man talk to you about?"

"He said it was the Second Dimension and we had to be careful." Patch replied.

"Must be the dimension where the kids are locked up and the world is run by evil." Strudel theorized.

"Evil?" Patch asked with a gulp.

"Afraid so..." Strudel nodded. "Apparently, there'll be a portal opening up there sometime very soon in fact."

"Oh, my..." Patch frowned.

"Be very careful, Patch," Strudel put her arm around the puppy. "I'm very fond of you... I love you like a nephew."

"I love you like an aunt and I'll be careful, besides, me and Atticus are just going to Danville." Patch said.

"Be on the look-out..." Strudel replied. "I believe in you."

Patch hugged Strudel. "Thanks."

Afterwards, he left to get back to Atticus. The other Pound Puppies smiled and waved as he went back home.

Once Emily and Darla and Maisy were told about where Atticus and Patch were going to be for the rest of the summer, Emily decided to call Linda and Lawrence and inform them and their kids about his arrival. Patrick smiled to his wife until she whipped her golden blonde hair back which was soaked from her swim as she then made the call. Luckily, she didn't wait long as someone instantly answered the phone and where it was Linda.

"Hello?" Emily greeted.

'Hello, Flynn-Fletcher residence.' Linda's voice replied.

"Hello, Linda, do you remember an Emily Miller who married a Patrick Fudo?" Emily smirked.

'Emily, is that you?' Linda's voice smiled.

"The one and only." Emily smiled back.

'I haven't heard from you in a long while.' Linda's voice smiled.

"Likewise," Emily replied. "I'd just like you to know that we'll be coming over."

'Really now?' Linda sounded excited. 'How soon?'

"Well, we're just coming over to drop off Atticus because he has a project he has to do for the summer." Emily said.

'A project, huh?' Linda asked. 'Sounds like Atticus is quite the over-achiever.'

"It's My Little Brother/Brothers project," Emily said. "And where as if by luck the two lucky names he drew were Phineas and Ferb."

'Oh, that's right, I remember those...' Linda replied. 'They could use an older male influence, aside from Lawrence of course...'

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