chapter 3

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Patch was walking around and then ran into a platypus strangely enough. "Uh, hello, I'm Patch." he then smiled.

Perry chattered in response.

"I'm a little rusty on my platypus language, but I definitely know that means 'Hello'." Patch said.

Perry kept chattering.

"Um... Yeah..." Patch blinked with a small smile. "Anyway, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too." Perry said in Platypus language.

Patch smiled.

"You came at a great time, Atticus," Phineas smiled to the older boy. "Tomorrow's the five year anniversary of when we adopted Perry!"

"That's wonderful." Atticus smiled.

"Hey, Patrick." Linda smiled.

"Hey, Linda." Patrick smiled back.

"Hello, Patrick." Lawrence greeted with a smile.

"Hey, Lawrence." Patrick smiled back.

"Where's Emily?" Linda asked.

Patrick whispered into her ear and Linda was a little unhappy about Emily not being there, but once she was told, she understood.

"Hi, Uncle Patrick." Candace smiled.

"Hey there, Candy." Patrick gently ruffled up her hair.

"Aw, don't call me that, it's babyish." Candace pouted.

"Aw, but you used to like being called Candy." Patrick pouted back.

"That's when I was like seven-years-old." Candace said.

"Aw, okay..." Patrick then said. "Candace."

"That's better." Candace beamed then.

"Ferb doesn't talk much, does he?" Atticus asked Phineas as he had noticed the green-haired boy not talking much.

"No, no he doesn't." Phineas replied.

Ferb looked over to Atticus and gave a small wave. Atticus simply waved back at him.

"I'm home!" Bridget's voice called out from the back.

"Living room, sweetie!" Linda called out.

Bridget came into the living room in casual clothes, such as a tank top which showed her midriff, jean Capris, a pink and white belt with black dress shoes.

"Wow, she's pretty," Patch whispered. "For a human."

Bridget was soon surprised in a good way to see Atticus, Patrick, and Patch.

"Hey, cous." Atticus smiled.

"Hi, Atticus," Bridget smiled back and hugged Atticus. "What are you three doing here?"

"Oh, can't we visit?" Atticus pouted playfully.

Bridget chuckled. "I was expecting you tomorrow."

"You were?" Patrick asked.

"Well, yes," Bridget replied. "It is quite late."

"We can have one quick thing together, but I suggest we all get to bed so we can have all day tomorrow to have fun." Lawrence suggested.

"I agree, but I just came to drop off Atticus and Patch." Patrick said.

"Of course, Patrick, you are quite the busy man yourself." Linda smiled.

Patrick hugged Linda and Lawrence. After Patrick left and drove off, Atticus and Patch were both shown to the boys' room as there seemed to be enough room in either one of their beds for one more person.

"You two can sleep here." Lawrence smiled.

"Ferb and I are more than happy to share our beds." Phineas smiled.

"Oh, I couldn't take a bed from one of you guys..." Atticus replied apologetically.

"Why not share one of the beds with one of them?" Patch whispered to Atticus.

"Because sometimes I fight in my sleep and I don't wanna hurt anyone." Atticus replied quietly.

"You only did that once and it was only to fight off against Sombra in your sleep." Patch whispered.

"Yeah, but who's to say it won't happen again?" Atticus replied, he then sat on one of the beds while taking out his bag to get his pajamas, toothbrush, and toothpaste out.

"I have a feeling it won't." Patch whispered.

And where he was right.

"I think I would like to share one of the beds with Phineas." Atticus said.

"This is my bed." Phineas patted the life raft in the room.

"You sleep in a life raft?" Atticus replied.

"I just like sleeping in it, this makes me feel like I'm floating across the ocean." Phineas said.

"Hmm..." Atticus smiled.

"You swim in the ocean, Atticus?" Phineas asked.

"Yeah, my family and I go in the summer every time..." Atticus said.

"That's cool." Phineas smiled.

Ferb nodded in agreement.

Atticus then yawned and stretched. "Come on, guys, let's get some sleep, we'll have all day tomorrow."

Phineas and Ferb frowned, but they did feel tired and luckily, they went straight to bed. Phineas set his alarm early in the morning so they could have all sorts of fun tomorrow, especially since it would be the anniversary of Perry's adoption. Atticus, Phineas, and Perry shared one bed while Ferb slept in his own bed and Patch slept on the floor. Phineas set his clock for 7:00 like it was a school day so they could all have all sorts of fun with Perry first thing tomorrow. They all soon went right to sleep.

Bridget came into her room and flopped onto the bed, taking a big breath of relief. "Ah, home sweet home~"

"It's so great to have you back, Bridget." Candace smiled at her sister.

"Likewise, Candace," Bridget smiled back to her younger sister. "Have you been a good girl for Mum and Dad?"

"Of course..." Candace said before turning slightly psychotically. "While trying to BUST THEM of course!"

"And by them, you mean the boys, right?" Bridget asked unimpressed.

"Uh... Well..." Candace got nervous suddenly.

"Don't you have anything better to do?" Bridget replied. "It's summer vacation, you could hang out with your friends."

"With what Phineas and Ferb always build, there's no time for relaxing." Candace said.

"Candace..." Bridget sighed to her.

"I'm sorry, I just can't help it." Candace said.

Bridget rolled her eyes.

"Well, good night." Candace then went to her bed.

"Night, Candace." Bridget yawned as she got under her covers and also went to sleep.

Once everyone was asleep, the rest of the night was peaceful. Perry was fast asleep as he hid a smile as he was with his warm and loving host family. Patch was smiling in his sleep as he was with his boy. It was a peaceful night for everyone.

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