chapter 20

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Phineas, Ferb, and Atticus lay under the tree in the backyard with Perry and Patch as Linda and Lawrence came back from their day out.

"Hey, Aunt Linda, hey, Uncle Lawrence." Atticus greeted.

"Hey, guys," Linda smiled. "Did you have a nice day?"

Atticus wasn't sure if he should tell them.

"Oh, you know, same old, same old," Phineas replied. "Let's just say it was unforgettable."

"That's nice, now, how about some pie?" Linda smiled as she came into the kitchen.

"You boys really make my day." Lawrence smiled as well.

"We'd love some pie." Atticus smiled back to his aunt and uncle.

Linda smiled back as she went to bake a pie inside the kitchen. Perry then smiled to Phineas and Ferb and they smiled back.

"Oh, it's good to be home..." Bridget sighed as she landed back on her bed in sweet relief.

Later on, they soon had pie.

"Mm... Apple pie, my favorite..." Atticus muffled with a smile.

"I thought it might." Linda smiled back.

"Thanks, Aunt Linda." Atticus beamed.

"Of course." Linda gently patted him on the head.


"So, I can go to the Justice League too?" Cherry asked Drell, he had told her since Batman would be there. "What's the catch?"

"No catch." Drell said.

"Hmm..." Cherry smirked.

"Maybe Jessica would like to come too," Drell thought possibly. "When she was little, she used to idolize Wonder Woman." he then took out a picture of a younger Jessica in a tank top with her panties shown as she held her jump-rope like her own Lasso of Truth and had on a princess tiara on.


"Wonder Woman powers activate!" Jessica beamed, she then took out her jump-rope and accidentally made it whip against someone.

"JESSICA BEATRICE FUDO!" Patrick's voice yelled.

"Whoops." Jessica smiled nervously.

End of Flashback

Cherry put her hand over her mouth with a small, amused snort.

"Anyway, I'll inform the Justice League that they'll have new members." Drell said.

"Okay." Cherry snorted.

"This is a big job, Cherry, don't screw it up." Drell warned.

"I won't and you can already tell that Atticus won't screw it up either." Cherry said.

Drell then ruffled up her hair and walked off.

"Ew, he touched me..." Cherry shuddered.

Soon enough, it was time for Atticus and Patch to go back home.

"Do you guys have to go?" Ferb frowned.

"I'm sorry, but yes." Atticus replied.

"We'll see you again though." Patch said.

"Sometime." Atticus promised.

Phineas and Ferb gave Atticus and Patch goodbye hugs. After a long goodbye, Atticus and Patch left for home.

The End

Cherry and Atticus Meet Phineas and FerbWhere stories live. Discover now