chapter 10

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Meanwhile, back in the alternate dimension...

A pair of the robots hovered over trashcans and this allowed the boys to poke their heads out once the coast was again clear.

"Well, this should be our street, but it sure looks different." Phineas then said.

"With Doofenshmirtz in charge, this kind of would be expected." Atticus said.

Perry followed as they came to the alternated house.

"Dad?" Phineas looked to see his step-father's doppelganger.

"Boys, what are you doing here? You'd better get inside before the Doofbot catches you," Lawrence-2 replied before latching himself to a harness. "I'm off to the factory. See you next week!"

"Next week?" Atticus asked confused. "That's how long you work at a factory?"

"Must be a busy place," Phineas commented. "Well, I guess we better get inside."

"Yeah." Patch agreed.

Phineas was about to ring the doorbell, but then saw his pet was still standing like a human. "Uh, you might want to... Uh, I mean these guys might not know that you're not really a... You know..."

Perry then went back to pet mode and chattered. Patch soon did the same as he barked. Phineas and Ferb then stared at the pets, then looked back as Atticus then rang the doorbell to the alternate Flynn-Fletcher residence. The one that answered the door was Linda.

"Boys, I thought you were in your room!" Linda-2 reacted in surprise. "Get back inside and get your Dooferalls back on before someone sees you, if you need me, I'll be hiding in the basement."

"That was weird," Phineas blinked. "Let's find the other us. I wonder if you're in this universe too, Atticus?"

"I'm sure I am." Atticus said.

And where he was right as Atticus-2 was with Phineas-2 and Ferb-2.

"And.... Hey, I got a one! Pick a Doofopoly instruction card," Phineas-2 cheered before drawing a card from the deck. "'Conform'. Hey, I can do that!"

"Hey, guys." Atticus and Phineas greeted.

"Oh no, they're replacing us!" Phineas-2 panicked and hid behind the couch. "I must have not conformed fast enough."

"Stay back or else!" Atticus-2 glared.

"No no, it's not like that, we're you guys from another dimension." Phineas explained.

"A different dimension?" Atticus-2 narrowed his eyes.

"Is that allowed?" Phineas-2 asked.

"Apparently." Phineas shrugged.

Phineas-2 and Atticus-2 saw Perry and Patch thought they were Perry-2 and Patch-2.

"Oh, look, Atticus, the pets are back!" Phineas-2 cheered before hugging Perry.

"Oh, I've missed you so much, boy!" Atticus-2 then hugged Patch nice and tight, knowing it wouldn't hurt him.

"Where have you two been?" Phineas-2 smiled. "We've missed you both so much."

"Uh, guys, I'm sorry to tell you this, but those aren't your Patch and Perry, they're ours." Atticus apologetically explained.

"Oh, sorry..." Phineas-2 said as he then kept a hold of the platypus in his arms. "Wait, can I hold him a little bit longer?"

"Same with here with Patch." Atticus-2 as both he and Pineas-2 hugged Perry and Patch like they hadn't seen them in a long time.

Ferb and Ferb-2's eyes were both watering as this was very touching and emotional for the family. And where the two of them were offering the other a tissue.

Cherry and Atticus Meet Phineas and FerbOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora