chapter 17

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Back on the streets...

Ferb charged up to a robot, but Isabella had ran up to it while manning a baseball launcher.

"Ferb, we'll handle the robots while you go help Phineas and Atticus." Atticus-2 said.

Ferb then nodded and then left.

"Oh, you want some of this? I'll show ya!" Isabella glared. "I'm a Fireside Girl!"

"I'd hate to be in a fight with you." Mo said.

Cherry panted after fighting for a while. "That should... Hold those... Guys off..." she panted and then wiped her forehead. "I need to... Rest a while..."

"Same... Here..." Cherry-2 also panted.

"Get some rest, girls, you've earned it." Atticus-2 told them.

"Thank you." Both Cherry's sighed.

Atticus-2 smiled before glaring and going back to fight.

Drell watched everything, then had a call on his crystal ball and answered it. "Hello?"

'This is the Justice League.' a voice replied.

"I'd give you Atticus, but he's a little busy at the moment." Drell replied.

'We know, we're watching what's going on right now from the Watch Tower.' The voice said.

"Oh, hiiii!" Drell smiled and waved sheepishly. "Hi, Mom, hi, Dad, hi, Skippy."

Meanwhile back at the top floor of the apartment...

Phineas picked up some plates from a buffet table with Atticus and they chucked them toward Doofenshmirtz-2. Doofenshmirtz-2 dodged with the cushions.

"Eat pasta, you jerk!" Atticus glared as he then threw a bowl at the bad guy.

Doofenshmirtz-2 soon used a lamp to defend himself.

"Come on, fall down!" Atticus glared as he refused to quit.

Doofenshmirtz-2 soon tried to hit Phineas with the lamp only to miss and hit the dish. This made many of the Normbots shudder and spark.

"Hmm..." Atticus hummed as that was interesting.

"Oh, come on, you stupid thing, work!" Doofenshmirtz-2 complained.

The Normbots then went back to normal and walked off together.

"Oh, so that dish must be what's controlling the robots!" Phineas figured out.

"We have to destroy it." Atticus said.

The two then looked to the baseball launcher.

"Aha!" Atticus smiled and he rushed over to it.

"Oh, no you don't! Ha ha! Now the baseball is on the other foot!" Doofenshmirtz-2 grabbed it before either of them could get to it. "Or however that... That saying goes. I'm not really sure... "

Atticus soon got Phineas behind him before backing up with him so Doofenshmirtz-2 wouldn't know more about him.

"Hey, hey, where are you going?!" Doofenshmirtz-2 glared.

"Phineas, stay behind me." Atticus said.

Phineas didn't even question it, he nodded as he knew that Atticus would know what he was doing. Atticus and Phineas both continued to back away from Doofenshmirtz-2.

"You know, all that's going to happen from you guys coming up here is that I'm going to have a brand new Puppyborg and Platyborg! And maybe even a couple of Boyborgs too, huh?" Doofenshmirtz-2 continued. "Try saying that five times fast: boyborg, boyborg, boyborg, boyborg, boyborg... Eh, I guess its not that hard to say, never mind."

Perry and Patch were still fighting their doppelgangers.

"You know something kids, you've been thorns in my side all day long..." Doofenshmirtz-2 glared at Phineas and Atticus. "But that's about to change... Right now..."

After defeating their doppelgangers, Perry tossed Phineas a baseball bat. Phineas got ready. Doofenshmirtz-2 fired the ball and Phineas swung at it like a traditional baseball and it headed for the robot control dish.

"NOOOOOO!" Doofenshmirtz-2 yelled out in defeat as the Normbots were now malfunctioning. "My babies! No! What have you done?!"

"Wahoo! You did it, Phineas!" Atticus cheered.

"I did, didn't I?" Phineas smiled to himself.

"Yeah and that was a home run." Patch said.

"It's weird that Perry and Patch are secret agents, huh?" Isabella commented.

"Yeah, but it was obvious in retrospect." Buford replied.

Atticus-2, Mo-2, Cherry, and Cherry-2 soon went to Doofenshmirtz's apartment.

"Scuse me, pardon me, excuse me!" Cherry said as she ran with the doppelgangers including her own.

Ferb soon finally got to the top floor.

"All right, buddy, we did it, we're victorious, we--" Cherry cheered, but then looked to the green-haired boy. "You don't talk much, do you?"

Ferb simply shook his head.

Doofenshmirtz found something and decided to give it to his doppelganger as he was going to destroy the kids once and for all. And where after his doppelganger was given it, he was no longer all evil. It was a toy train.

"Choo-Choo!" Doofenshmirtz-2 cried out.

"Yeah, it's mine, see, I told you I never lost it," Doofenshmirtz smiled. "It was in a box in my pantry labeled 'VHS Tapes'. Go figure. Anyway, you can have it."

"Seriously?" Cherry asked. "That's the reason why he turned evil?"

"I'm just as surprised as you are." Doofenshmirtz said to her.

"I can't believe it! Choo-Choo, it is you!" Doofenshmirtz-2 hugged the train. "Oh, heart melting, backstory resolving, evilness diminishing."

"It's the least I could do." Doofenshmirtz said.

"You know, I don't even know what I was thinking with the whole 'evil robots' thing," Doofenshmirtz-2 replied as he was a nice guy now. "Actually, when I look around, I-I'm really embarrassed. Here, let me clean this up. Look, Self-Destruct Button."

"Oh, you." Doofenshmirtz chuckled to his doppelganger.

Doofenshmirtz-2 then pushed the button which made all of the Normbots blow up and disappear just as Candace, Bridget, and Linda were coming out of the theater. Unfortunately for a little kid, the self-destruct button also destroyed his toy robot.

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