chapter 13

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Later, the others were going down a cave on some train tracks in mining cars.

"Wait, so in this dimension, Perry is a secret agent?" Candace asked after she was explained everything.

"No, in this dimension, Perry and Patch are cyborgs." Atticus said.

"So, where are they agents?" Candace then asked.

"In our dimension, but we're not in our dimension now." Phineas explained.

"Okay, I'm having trouble processing this." Candace sighed in defeat.

"Now I wish I hadn't thrown away that pamphlet." Phineas groaned to himself.

"I agree." Atticus added.

"And why are we in mine cars?" Bridget asked.

"This will take us as far as the underground entrance to his headquarters." Isabella-2 explained.

"Cool." Bridget smiled.

"From there, we go up the ventilation shaft, the detainment center is on Level 4." Candace-2 said as she looked at the map.

"And the snack bar is on level 3." Buford-2 said.

"Ugh, Buford..." Bridget-2 complained.

"I'm just gonna get some nachos." Buford-2 shrugged while Candace-2 put the map away.

"I doubt we'll be stopping at the cafeteria." Mo-2 said.

"So, you two aren't best friends?" Atticus asked his doppelganger and this dimension's Cherry.

"I'm usually by myself, lifting weights and doing some homework, you know, when it's not summer, well, even during summer; I do still lift weights," Atticus-2 said. "But no, I've never met Cherry before."

"I usually lock myself in the darkness contemplating my useless existence on this Earth." Cherry-2 added, she sounded even more depressing than the Cherry that Atticus knew back home.

"Wow, you are more depressing than the Cherry back in my dimension," Atticus said before looking to Mo-2. "And you and my doppelganger aren't boyfriend and girlfriend?"

"Ugh, what boyfriend?" Mo-2 rolled her eyes. "I'm not even seeing anyone, guys are jerks."

"Oh, come on, not all guys are jerks." Atticus said before he noticed his doppelganger keeping something hidden under a blanket.

This made him narrow his eyes slightly in curiosity.

"All the ones I know are." Mo-2 scoffed.

"Really?" Atticus-2 asked. "How many guys have you met?"

"I've been around the block once or twice." Mo-2 muttered.

Atticus looked curiously, he then smirked and removed the blanket.

"Hey!" Atticus-2 whined.

They soon saw Phineas-2 and Ferb-2. Atticus-2 smiled shyly while Atticus gave him a long glance.

"I couldn't just stand by and do nothing, so I decided to sneak on board along with Phineas and Ferb." Atticus-2 said.

'Yeah, that sounds like something you would to." Atticus had to admit to his doppelganger.

Atticus-2 soon hid back with his cousins once he saw Candace-2 and Bridget-2 coming back after getting the mine cars to turn. Candace and Bridget were talking with their counterparts.

"So, if there's another us and another them, then there should be another Jeremy Johnson, right?" Candace asked her doppelganger.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, Johnson Jeremy, leads a three-man strike team on the north side," Candace-2 replied without a care. "Good soldier."

Cherry and Atticus Meet Phineas and FerbWhere stories live. Discover now