chapter 4

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Soon enough, before they knew it, it was 7:00 in the morning and the alarm clock let out an arm which poked Perry who then chattered once he was woken up and this also woke up Phineas and Ferb.

"Good morning, Perry, now that's the way to wake up!" Phineas smiled to his pet and hugged him right away. "This is gonna be the best day ever!"

"It sure is." Atticus smiled as he woke up.

The boys then all got dressed together as this was a joyful day in the Flynn-Fletcher residence. Patch even helped the Flynn-Fletcher brothers get dressed. Phineas and Ferb brushed their teeth and combed their hair after getting dressed and even gave Perry a bath for his special day. And where he simply shook off the water liken a dog.

"Good morning, boys." Lawrence greeted once they came downstairs.

"Happy Anniversary, Perry." Linda added with a smile.

"That's right, it's Perry's anniversary." Bridget smiled as she entered the room.

"I can't believe it's been five years," Phineas smiled back. "I remember the day we first got him."

Flashback to five years earlier...

Linda and Lawrence were taking their children to the OWCA Animal Rescue Center.

"I wonder what pet the boys will get." A younger Bridget said.

"Come on, kids," Lawrence smiled. "Pick out any pet you want."

"Oh look, Phineas!" Linda pointed out and showed a cat to her son. "This one's looking at you!"

"And this one's looking at you, Ferb!" Lawrence then pointed a dog out to his son.

Candace looked at the aquarium and the fish swam away from her. "Why won't anything look at me?!"

"Maybe you're just not a fish person." Bridget shrugged.

"Ferb, this one's looking at both of us at the same time!" Phineas pointed to a baby platypus.

"Aw!" Bridget smiled.

"That thing?" Candace scoffed. "You're kidding, right?"

"Can I help you?" A black woman asked.

"Ah, yes, we'd like to adopt that one." Lawrence said, referring to Perry.

"You want to adopt a platypus?" the woman asked out of surprise.

"Oh, that's what it's called, can we have it then?" Lawrence asked.

"What would you even name a platypus?" Candace scoffed at her younger brothers.

"'Course Ferb and I knew exactly what to call you." Phineas narrated to Perry.

"Bartholomew!" Young Phineas and Ferb said at the same time.

Young Perry simply replied with a simple chatter.

"And then when we got you home, Bridget decided we should call you Perry, and gave you this locket!" Phineas then smiled as he then reached into Perry's fur and took out a web-footed shaped locket with pictures of him, Ferb, and the platypus from when they were all younger. "Look how young we all were."

"Aw! I nearly forgot how cute you three were." Bridget smiled.

"Hey, Bridget." Phineas smiled back.

Perry looked up to the family as today was all about him.

"Where's Candace?" Atticus asked.

"On the phone with Jeremy..." Bridget replied like it was obvious.

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