chapter 15

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Meanwhile in the First Dimension...

"Alright, how about two Kafka's for your Dostoevsky?" Buford offered.

"Stop wasting my time, Buford." Baljeet replied as Cherry looked bored out of her skull.

"And they should be coming back in 3, 2, 1." Drell counted down.

"Wait, I think this is it." Phineas said to the others.

"Where have you guys been?" Isabella asked.

"This is it." Phineas smiled.

"Wow, this dimension seems less depressing than ours." Atticus-2 said.

"You guys are so lucky." Cherry-2 added.

"At least... We have each other." Mo-2 said before taking Atticus-2's hands and then looked into his eyes as she felt something deep inside of herself in which she had never felt before.

"Whoa, I'm seeing double." Drell said.

"So am I..." Cherry sounded like she was going to be sick.

"Uh, why your pets wearing hats?" Baljeet asked after he saw the two pets wearing fedoras.

"We don't have time to explain, we've got to try and stop an evil d-" Phineas replied before he got cut off by disaster.

Thousands and thousands of Normbots spilled out of the portal.

"Oh, no, it's too late!" Candace panicked.

"May I panic now?" Cherry-2 asked Atticus-2 and Mo-2.

Atticus-2 and Mo-2 stood close together with Cherry-2 as this looked like the end of the world as they knew it.

"I wish alternate dimension Candace and Bridget were here, they took out like thirty of those guys with a-" Phineas started.

Perry and Patch were now looking at their wristwatches.

'Agent P, our agents are being overwhelmed by the sheer number of robots coming into our dimension,' Major Monogram reported to them. 'You must get to Doof's headquarters and stop him!'

"Aye, aye, sir, we're ready to serve, are you guys ready?" Patch replied.

"We're ready!" Atticus and Phineas replied as they saluted back.

'Oh, no, you kids need to go home, where it's safe!' Major Monogram interjected.

"No way, sir." Atticus said.

"With all due respect, sir, we've been through quite a lot together," Phineas added in bravely. "We're a team now."

"Very mature, Phineas." Atticus smiled.

"Thanks." Phineas smiled back.

'Nope, far too dangerous, and besides, our insurance won't cover it,' Major Monogram still refused. 'Tell 'em Agent P.'

"But sir-" Patch tried to tell him before the hologram ended.

"Come on, guys," Phineas smiled in determination. "Let's go kick some robot chassis!"

"Yeah!" Atticus agreed.

Perry took off his collar and handed it to them.

"Take this, you guys." Patch said speaking for Perry as the platypus handed Phineas and Atticus the collar.

Perry then saluted and ran off with Patch.

"Wow, I guess we're going home then," Phineas replied before looking around. "Hey, where's Dr. D?"

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