chapter 11

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Meanwhile back with the two Doofenshmirtz...

"Behold, the Other-Dimensionator!" Doofenshmirtz presented to his doppelganger. "Well actually, this is the Other Other-Dimensionator, the Other-Dimensionator is back in the other dimension."

Doofenshmirtz-2 glared in impatience.

"Okay, step 1, turn on the machine," Doofenshmirtz said as he turned on the machine. "Step 2, stand back in awe."

The machine started up, but it then quickly shut down.

"Aww..." Doofenshmirtz frowned.

"That's it?" Doofenshmirtz-2 asked, unimpressed.

"Well, now that I think about it, those two boys made some modifications to my design which may have allowed to, you know, to work." Doofenshmirtz explained sheepishly.

"Oh, great, now I need those two boys?!" Doofenshmirtz-2 glared.

Just then, a Normbot came in, holding Perry and Patch.

"Ah, Perry the Platypus and Patch Pongo." Doofenshmirtz and Doofenshmirtz-2 said.

"Jinx, you owe me two sodas!" Doofenshmirtz laughed at his counterpart since they said it at the same time again.

Patch began to find that as annoying as Doofenshmirtz's doppelganger also found it annoying.

"Listen, Perry the Platypus and Patch Pongo, I know I said if you turned yourself in, I wouldn't hurt your friends, but change of plans, now I need to hunt them down, which may involve a little hurting, I know that makes me a liar, but hello! Evil!" Doofenshmirtz-2 said to the two pets as he had betrayed them in his promise.

Patch began to growl as he wanted to break out.


"Isabella's house is right over--" Buford-2 was about to say until suddenly, a trap door slipped underneath them which made them all scream and fall down into a trap.

They soon ended up in a dark room and where they were soon tied up.

"Whatcha doing?" Isabella-2 asked with a glare at the group with Mo-2 and Cherry-2 by her side.

"Isabella?" Phineas asked.

"Cherry and Mo?" Atticus also asked.

"Do we know you?" Isabella-2 asked before looking to Mo-2 and Cherry-2.

Cherry-2 and Mo-2 shrugged as they didn't know Atticus. Or at least acted like they didn't.

"Hey, guys!" Buford-2 smiled.

"Ugh, we know him..." Isabella-2 rolled her eyes. "I thought you were resisting us."

"Yeah, even if it doesn't make any sense." Mo-2 said.

"I was helping Candace's brothers and cousin cross the street." Buford-2 replied.

"Candace has two sets of twin brothers?" Isabella-2 asked.

"Uh no, we're all are from another dimension, we're trying to get back." Phineas explained.

"Fine..." Mo-2 rolled her eyes. "Girls, release them."

The girls soon released the boys.

"And so which of you two is Candace's cousin?" Cherry-2 asked.

"That would be me." Atticus-2 said before him and the others fell to the ground.

"I see," Cherry-2 replied. "Why would you wanna come to this dimension anyway?" she then asked the other ones. "It totally sucks here."

"We didn't mean to come here." Atticus said.

"And now we can't go back unless we fix this device." Phineas added as he showed the inter-dimensional remote.

"Well, I think we might just have someone that might be able to help you." Mo-2 said.

"Dr. Baljeet!" Isabella-2 called out.

A chair turned to reveal the second-dimension Baljeet.

"Baljeet!" Phineas called in surprise.

"That's Dr. Baljeet to you," Baljeet-2 scoffed. "Were you not listening?"

"So, do you know why we can't get back into our own dimension?" Atticus asked.

"Here is the crux of your problem; think of the universe and all of the many dimensions as circular," Baljeet-2 replied the best he could before he took out an accordion. "The energy flows between the dimensions like this, clockwise. Say that this is your dimension, and this is our dimension, you traveled with the flow of energy, so going clockwise would be easy. Going counterclockwise would take 8 million gigawatts of energy, overloading the local power grid."

"Wow." Both Atticus's said.

"I have prepared a little song to help illustrate my point." Baljeet-2 then said.

"Fire away." Atticus said.

" If you travel through dimensions, going clockwise makes it easy, going counter-clockwise would take 8 million gigawatt's of energy, overloading the local power grid!~" Baljeet-2 began to sing but then took a pause. "I know, it needs a chorus. Anyway, without 8 million gigawatts, you would have to go clockwise, the long way around. Theoretically, you would get home, but there is no telling how many dimensions you would have to go through."

"Well, can you at least help us to generate enough power to get us back to our dimension?" Phineas asked.

"Well, we should probably ask our leaders..." Baljeet-2 explained.

"Ask your leaders what?" Candace-2 and Bridget-2 asked in sharp voices.

"Really?" Candace-2 asked Bridget-2, unimpressed while still having a sharp voice.

Bridget-2 looked up and down then winced. "Uh, Candace? I see parsnips..." she then said, remembering her sister's severe allergy.

"Who made the topiary out of wild parsnips, I'm strictly allergic to them and it's messing up with my allergies." Candace-2 said still with the sharp voice.

"Candace, Bridget, you're the leaders of the Resistance?" Phineas-2 asked in surprise.

"I did not see that coming." Atticus-2 said also surprised.

"What are you three--" Candace-2 asked before coughing and her normal voice came back. "Doing here? Never mind, I'll deal with you later," she then walked up to Atticus, Phineas, and Ferb. "You three! I've been spending all these years trying to keep my brothers safe, and suddenly their faces are all over the Doofen Channel!"

"We're just trying to get back home." Atticus said.

"Well, what's stopping you?" Bridget-2 replied.

"Right now, quantum psychics." Atticus informed based on what Baljeet-2 had told them so far.

"Baljeet?" Candace-2 asked Baljeet-2.

"We need to generate 8 million gigawatts for inter-dimensional travel." Baljeet-2 explained.

"Then we've got work to do." Bridget-2 said.

"Isabella, start redirecting the power with Cherry and Mo." Candace-2 commanded.

"Aye-Aye!" the three girls saluted.

"Gretchen, monitor the Doofen Channel," Candace-2 then ordered. "Make sure we're not raising any alarms."

"I'm on it!" a girl with short-brown hair and glasses nodded.

"Buford, keep resisting." Candace-2 then said.

"No!" Buford-2 replied.

"Excellent." Bridget-2 said.

"And will somebody get rid of that topiary?" Candace-2 then asked as her voice felt scratchy again from her allergies.

The girls soon got rid of it so then her allergies would stop.

"Thank you." Candace-2 said after a cough and her voice went back to normal.

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