chapter 16

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Back in the First Dimension...

Cherry and Drell fell asleep while Stacey was begging for her best friend back.

"Oh, hi, Stacey." Candace said as she saw her best friend begging to the mysterious force.

Stacey looked to see her, then called out again. "I also want a car!"

"I don't think it works like that." Bridget said as she went inside and where Cherry and Drell followed.

"Do we have to?" Cherry asked Drell.

"Yes." Drell said.

Cherry then sighed and went with Drell to the Second Dimension.

"Not the second dimension." Drell said as he got her into the Flynn-Fletcher house.

"Oh..." Cherry replied.

"Come on, let's go." Drell pushed her.

"Don't push me!" Cherry complained about being touched.

"I still can't believe Perry and Patch wanted us to go home," Phineas commented as they watched TV about the Normbot invasion from the Second Dimension. "I mean, look at this!"

"Robots are taking all over the city and now, for the weather." The newsman said.

"There's robots, Phil, ROBOTS!" the weatherman screamed and ran away.

"Well, he sure seems like a coward." Mo-2 said.

"I hate this channel..." Drell folded his arms. "Stupid mortals."

"Drell?" Atticus asked.

"Hi, Atticus." Drell waved.

"What're you doing here?" Atticus asked.

"Helping you guys fight the robots and that dictator." Drell said.

They soon heard something beeping.

"Wait, what's that?" Phineas asked. "Guys, do you hear that?"

"Sounds like it's coming from your pocket." Atticus assumed.

Phineas soon brought out Perry's locket. "It's Perry's locket!" he then called out.

"Let's see where it leads." Mo-2 suggested.

They followed the locket and made it over to the couch and came over to the mirror. Ferb then removed the mirror as the beeping intensified. Once the mirror was removed, there was a tunnel shown.

"Shall we?" Phineas asked them.

They all agreed and were then suddenly sucked into a new place.

"This must be Perry's lair." Phineas guessed.

'Welcome, Phineas, Ferb, and others,' a computer greeted. 'Please insert the key.'

"What key?" Atticus and Atticus-2 asked.

"Does anyone have a key?" Phineas asked.

Ferb took out a pitch pipe and blew a note.

'Please insert the key.' the computer repeated.

"Nice try." Phineas smiled to his step-brother.

The computer kept repeating itself over and over.

"We get it!" Cherry groaned and put her hands over her ears." Drell, can't you make a key out of magic or something?"

"I think it's showing what the key looks like." Drell said.

Cherry and Atticus Meet Phineas and FerbDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora