chapter 18

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"Come on, come on, hurry!" Candace urged Linda to come outside.

"Would you believe that this was my whole summer since you've been gone?" Linda rhetorically asked Bridget.

"Trust me, I'd believe it." Bridget said.

"Do I even need to say there's nothing there anymore?" Linda asked as the bots had all exploded before she could see a single one.

"Mom, you can say it all you want!" Candace hugged her and did a little dance. "There's nothing there! Woo-hoo! I did it, I saved the world!" she then stopped with a pause to her mother. "You can go back to your movie now."

"Yeah." Bridget said in agreement.

A portal was then opened up back to the second dimension.

"Well, looks like it's time for you to go back where you belong." Atticus said to the doppelgangers.

"Come on, guys, let's go home." Cherry-2 said, now sounding friendly now that she had real friends.

"Agreed." Atticus-2 smiled back as he and Mo-2 held hands.

Atticus smiled back as he found this to be a very happy sight, this dimension or not. "Oh, Cherry, you should know, you'll find a soulmate sometime soon yourself."

"It's okay, I actually don't mind, having friends is good enough for me, so I'll wait it out." Cherry-2 replied.

"I'm happy to hear that." Atticus smiled.

"Thanks for everything." Cherry-2 waved as she went with Atticus-2 and Mo-2 back to their own dimension.

They soon heard Patch-2 coming to them.

"Patch! Come here, boy, come here!" Atticus-2 beamed to his pet.

Patch-2 soon rushed up to his master and jumped up and hugged him.

"Oh, Patch, I'm so glad to have you back." Atticus-2 smiled as Patch-2 then licked his face.

Doofenshmirtz-2 was the first to go through the portal and where he was instantly arrested.

"Book him, ladies." Monogram-2 told the second dimensional Fireside Girls AKA Firestorm Girls.

"You know, my crimes against humanity had just completely slipped my mind." Doofenshmirtz-2 frowned before he was grabbed and dragged away.

"Really?" Patch-2 asked.

"Come on, boy, let's go home, I owe you a nice, thick, juicy steak." Atticus-2 smiled as he carried his puppy all the way back home.

"Hey, did you guys just see that?" Candace beamed as she ran up to Phineas, Ferb, Atticus, Cherry, Mo, and Patch. "I totally saved Danville!"

"Well, you did better than Milo Murphy down the street would do..." Cherry gestured a few houses down.

"Who?" Candace asked.

"Good job, soldier, you've made my sister and myself proud." Candace-2 reported.

"So, what will you guys do now?" Bridget asked their doubles.

"Wow, I haven't thought of anything but busting Doofenshmirtz for years," Candace-2 shrugged. "I don't know."

"Same here." Bridget-2 added in.

"Well, I know what interests I pursue." Candace smiled before pointing to Jeremy-2.

"Hey, here you all are." Jeremy-2 smiled before coming out of the portal.

"I'll take that under consideration," Candace-2 smiled back to her double. "And what about you, Candace?"

"You know, after all of this, I'm going to give myself a little more time to be young," Candace replied which made her sister very proud of her decisions. "It's not such a bad place to be."

"Yeah." Bridget nodded.

Candace smiled to her older sister.

"You know what? Me too." Candace-2 even agreed.

The four girls then shared hugs with each other.

Phineas-2 and Ferb-2 soon came out of the portal.

"Hey, I just wanted to say thanks for teaching us all about summer," Phineas-2 smiled. "You know, opening our horizons, and teaching Ferb classical guitar."

Ferb-2 then strummed a few chords as if on cue. They soon heard something and they saw that it was Perry-2. They were nervous, but luckily for them, the Platyborg reverted into pet mode and even chattered like the original Perry would do when around other people who had not known he was a secret OWCA agent.

"Hey, it's our Perry!" Phineas-2 cheered as he and Ferb-2 ran to their pet. "Looks like the evil was fried right out of him."

"Sorry he's part metal." Phineas apologized.

"Are you kidding? That makes him extra cool!" Phineas-2 replied in excitement. "Thanks so much guys."

They then all went back to the portal together.

"I'm glad we could help." Phineas then smiled.

Perry soon saluted to Perry-2 who simply saluted back. Perry-2 then entered the portal and it closed up once he came through it.

"Well, today sure has been interesting." Atticus said.

"You can say that again, it was great!" Phineas smiled to Atticus. "Imagine how much fun we can have together now that we know you're a secret agent!" he then said to Perry.

"Yes, yes, the next fifteen minutes should be a real hoot," Major Monogram replied as he walked up with his intern. "Then, of course, Agent P will be sent away forever."

"What?!" Atticus and Phineas asked out of shock.

"Didn't he give you a pamphlet?" Major Monogram prompted.

"We threw it away." Phineas replied.

"Does anyone read those things?" Major Monogram asked.

"I tried to warn you, sir." Carl stated.

"Kids, I'm sorry, but now that Agent P's cover has been blown, you won't be allowed to see him anymore." Major Monogram then firmly stated.

"That's why you didn't want us to know your secret." Phineas said to Perry.

The platypus then nodded in response to confirm that that was very true.

"So we'll never see Perry again?" Phineas frowned. "There has to be another way!"

"Yeah, there has to be something." Atticus said.

"Now I never wished so much that I could un-know something." Phineas replied.

"Sir, maybe there is a way," Carl said to Major Monogram as a suggestion. "What about Dr. Doofenshmirtz's Amnesia-nator?"

Drell whistled and gestured for Cherry and Atticus to come to him. The two then did and they came to him as it looked like no one would remember about Perry being a secret agent.

Drell took out his spell book and highlighted a spell that would restore anyone's memories that were just lost. "Use this right after those guys leave and that way Phineas and the others will remember, but OWCA won't know they know as long as you make them keep it secret amongst themselves." he whispered loudly to them, mostly to Atticus though.

"Or we could let my cousin recruit them as Spy Kids?" Atticus asked.

"Spy Kids." Cherry snorted herself at the title.

"That name does sound familiar, but listen, I'll let Bridget deal with that, but this is the spell you'll need so they remember what they did today, I'm sure you can talk them into not telling anyone else." Drell replied as he held the book out to Atticus.

"Yep." Atticus nodded.

"I trust you enough with this," Drell replied. "You'd also be great in the Justice League, even with Jessica's old role model superhero: Wonder Woman."

This got Atticus excited before remaining calm so he could stay focus. Drell smiled to him and he gently ruffled up the boy's hair.

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