chapter 19

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A while later, it was time for the kids to have their memories erased, but Atticus would restore their memories, but he would make sure the kids would keep it secret so they wouldn't get in trouble, but hopefully Bridget could also take care of that as she was a top agent herself. Drell started to whisper to Bridget about recruiting the kids as Spy Kids. Bridget nodded and thought about it, but it wouldn't take very long. Cherry was about to walk off until Drell grabbed her hood for a moment which made her look back at him.

"Hey, good job out there." Drell said to her.

"Um, thank you, sir." Cherry replied.

Phineas, Ferb, and Perry soon had an emotional moment.

"Well, we've had a lot of great days, but we only have one Perry." Ferb spoke up maturely.

"Agreed." Phineas nodded.

"Yeah!" everyone else agreed.

Drell, Cherry, and Atticus watched as Major Monogram was going to erase everybody's memories.

While Carl was getting the machine ready, Phineas and Ferb were having a moment with Perry.

"You boys take your time, I'm proud of you either way." Bridget told her little brothers.

Phineas and Ferb smiled back at her before going over to Perry.

"I'll let you guys to it." Bridget decided to let Phineas and Ferb have alone time with Perry.

"Thanks, Bridget." Phineas smiled as he then went with Ferb to their pet platypus.

'This seems so unfair.' Patch thought to himself, not knowing about the plan.

"Hey, buddy. Ferb and I just wanted to say our goodbyes. You know, we thought we'd met the real you when we found out you were Agent P. But the fact is, pet, secret agent, they're both the real you. You are now, and always have been a great pet, and a great friend. We're going to miss you, Agent P," Phineas said as he stood with Ferb before they both then hugged their pet platypus. "I love you, pal."

Major Monogram began to have tears in his eyes.

"Sir, are you crying?" Carl asked.

"No, I'm sweating through my eyes." Major Monogram obviously lied.

"Alright, sir, we're ready." Phineas said.

"Okay, Carl, we're set." Major Monogram said.

"Uh, Major Monogram?" Isabella quickly spoke up.


"So, none of us will remember any of today?" Isabella asked.

"That's right." Monogram replied.

"Good." Isabella smirked to Phineas, she then grabbed him and kissed him hard right on the lips.

"Should we let them keep the memory of that too?" Cherry whispered to Drell, referring to the kiss.

"Hmm..." Drell hummed in thought. "Eh, I dunno..." he then shrugged. "Let's just see how the spell plays out before Phineas and Ferb become Spy Kids."

"Agreed." Atticus nodded quietly.

Carl then hit the device to wipe away everyone else's memories with a flash of a bright white light. And where it worked.

"Uh, sir, can we have a moment alone with them?" Patch asked Monogram.

"Take all the time you need." Major Monogram replied and then left with Carl.

Drell and Cherry then walked over as Atticus held the spell book behind his back.

"What's going on?" Phineas asked.

"Get ready to experience real magic." Drell said.

"Real magic?" Phineas asked.

Atticus opened the book and flipped to the page and found the memory restore spell. "Aha!"

"What's gonna happen?" Isabella asked.

"Don't worry, this won't hurt a bit." Drell promised.

"Yeah." Atticus nodded before he recited the spell.

The others looked so lost and curious, but once Atticus recited the spell, everyone suddenly remembered their adventure for the day and Atticus warned them to keep it to themselves and they agreed.

"Shall we go home now, Atticus?" Phineas asked.

"Just a moment, I'd like to see Cherry and Atticus alone real quick." Drell told the kids.

"Okay." The kids said.

Perry was happy that he didn't have to keep his life a secret while also needing to keep this a secret from Monogram. It was then time to go back home.

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