not now

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drake pov

i'm really scare nicki throw up all this month . she didn't want to go to the doctor. but she had to  ,because i want know 2 thing . is she having a baby and it it mines.

nicki pov

i can't be having baby only 16 year old , and i coundn't  did it with drake . the bully.what i'm going to tell mom .she might will kick me out.

nicki was about to go to lunch , but drake came up and push her in the restroom

nicki: ahhh!!!

while nicki glasses fell , she couldn't see

drake : sorry.

then start to pick up her glasses until his eye meet hers.then he stare at her in the eye they almost kiss until the bell ring. then he said

drake: said can i talk at your house .

nicki: yeah sure

drake : ok see you there

we was about to kiss .i can't believe this .


drake got in his car . and droveto nicki house .then he knock on the door nicki mother came in

carol : hey you must be here for nicki right

drake : yeah i'm drake and you are

carol: nicki mother good to meet you

drake: it good to meet you too.

carol: well nicki is up stair

drake : ok thank

drake went up stair . he saw nicki was in the shower ,so he sat on her bed and wait and look at her thing. then he finally got out the shower .she must have not known drake was here . so she came without a towel on. then she feel some one was in her present. she quickly turn and saw drake. and she quickly got the towel . drake turn around quickly . then he said

drake: sorry

nicki : it ok

nicki put on her pj.she said

nicki: what you want to tell me ?

drake: so i got this for you

nicki:a prenagent test

drake: i just want to know can you please take it please

nicki tookand sigh and she whisper

nicki : here go nothing

about 5mins the thing said she having a baby

nicki: drake

drake: yes what did it say

nicki: yes i"m having a baby

ME AND THE GEEK ( NICKI MINAJ AND DRAKE LOVE STORY)Where stories live. Discover now