drake's girlfriend

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i woke up by drake i remeber what happen last night . then i smile . then drake got up and said

drake:"goodmorning angel ".he said so sexy .

Nicki:"good morning  handsome" . i said soft

then drake kiss  me . and i kiss him too .

drake:"i don't want nobody to mess , if they do tell me . i can knock their teeth out ." he said chucking .

Nicki:" laughing , ok ."i said laughing

drake:" Nicki i love you , do you want to be my girlfriend?"he ask out of nowhere

i thought and really hard .

Nicki:"ok, just promise you want hurt me never in your life " . then drake said quickly

drake:"ok , i would never hurt you ". he said serious.

Nicki:"ok......so we together."she said smiling

drake:"yeah..... today we going to school , but not tomorrow ." he said cheerfully

nicki:" why ,we only got one more day before the Christmas break ? ". she said shock

drake:"  oh ... my mom told me we have to see the doctor to see is the baby  healthy and stuff".he said nicely.

nicki:"ok, but drake ".

drake:"yes nic"

nicki:"what do you think the gender is ?". i ask

drake:"actually, i  don't really care all i want is  the baby to be healthy".he confess

nicki laughing and drake is too. drake's mom then walk in .

drake's mom: " hurry up and come down , oh Nicki i bought you new clothes "she hand it ouut

nicki:"thank you , but  you didn't have to do that for me ".she said while smiling .

drake's mom: " your welcome "

then i went in the restroom and change . i had on a tank top it was all pink with words on it . with word on it .i wear tight skinny jean.my shoes was high heels. i didn't have my glasses so i have to wear contacts. then i was finish. i brush my teeth. wash my face. and put on light makeup. then i came down.drake's mom was there.

drake's mom : " sorry for the clothes , i was out last night and was trying to rush, because yall was at home alone".

nicki:"it ok "

drake's mom: " drake is outside in his car , tell drake i'm not going be here when he get home i'm going to be at work".

nicki:"ok ms.graham . "

then i get outside . then i see drake . he like he seen a ghost when i walk out. then got in the car . then he start to drove .

drake:"YOU LOOK SO ........BEAUTIFUL!!!" drake said very shock.

nicki:"thank , you look handsome . "she said softly

DRAKE POV( at school)

after the drive . we got out then my boyz came . then then they stare.

lil wayne:"who is this fine *** woman?" he ask

drake:"this my girlfriend , nicki ". i told them .and they start to laugh .

big sean:"for real bro who is it ?"he said

drake:"for real bro , this is nicki?"i said sternly .after that i hold nicki hand because i could feel her getting shaky.

birdman:" oh , that is her."then the guy all said the same thing .


chris:" do you want to hang out sometime".chris said with a smirk.

drake:"STOP CHRIS , SHE IS MY GIRL."i said angry.

chris: " I WASN'T TALKING TO YOU , I WAS TALKING TO NICKI ,DRAKE". he yelled .then drake got angry . then chris start to grab nicki wrist . then she was pulling.


drake:"STOP !!!!"drake said

drake then push chris off .then nicki move out the way . then drake start to punch chris , but the guys help drake stop punching him . chris get up and said

chris:"THIS NOT OVER DRAKE"!!!!.then drake was making sure i was ok . then i felt like throwing up so she run to the restroom and drake was behind me then i went in one of the stall and vomit drake hold my hair back

drake:"you ok."he said calm

nicki:"no i have to go "


drake:"ok" , "let go" . drake pick her up and walk her to the nurse.

drake:"nurse we have to go home my girlfriend is prenegent".

nurse:"ok here a pass ."

then went outside and in the car . by the time we was home . she was sleep so i pick her and lay her on the bed .then kiss her forehead . and said good night .

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