CHRIS!!!!!!part 2

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when i open the door all i saw was chris. then i shouted out loud his name . drake then came .

drake:"nicki who at the do- CHRIS !!!!!!!!? " while was holding the baby .

nicki:"what you doing here ?" i asked with a scare look on my face.

chris:"came to talk to drake ?" he said while looking at drake .

drake:" come in  ." he said with a mean look on his face.

nicki :" drake can i talk to you up stair ?" i said while pointing to upstair

we walk and got to our room . i had the baby in my hands . then i put the baby in her play pin , because she was start to get jumpy .

nicki:" i don't want you fight or do anything drake because our daughter is here ". i said while getting worry.

drake:" i'm not going to fight him i'm just going to talk nicki"he  said with a serious look .

then i stay in my room to watch aubri . drake walk downstair.


i went down stair and saw chris just sitting there .

drake:" so what you want ?" i ask mad looks

chris:" i want nicki " he answer serious and also with a mad look.

drake:" listen , i didn't i know i would fall in love with nicki or she will have my baby ?" he said sternly.

chris:" drake you made a promise that you want fall in love with her " he said mad .

drake:" i'm sorry chris but she mine so now you can leave " he said mean and  selfish .

chris:" this not over remember that ". he said with a smirk on his face .

then he got up and  then left. then nicki got down stair .

nicki:" im glad that over , now you have time to spend with  aubri . " she sid with a smile and she was dress .

drake:" what i don't know how-" he got cut off by nicki putting her hand on his mouth.

nicki:" i let a note of what you should of do ." she said .

drake:" ok ". he said with a nervous look.

nicki:" i have to go to get some more baby food ". she said .

drake:" i love you" . he said with a scare look i love you too".

after 2 hour of spending time with the baby .

nicki came in and open the and saw drake on the couch sleep and  the baby was in the crib sleep . so i went in my room . then saw

nicki:" CHRIS!!!!!!!!

ME AND THE GEEK ( NICKI MINAJ AND DRAKE LOVE STORY)Where stories live. Discover now