ex boyfriend part 3

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when i seen trey i ran up to my bedroom where drake was lying in sleeping. i woke drake up .

nicki:" DRAKE!!!!  WAKE UP". i yelled and then the aubri start to cry .

drake:" WHAT " he yelled.

nicki:" TREY IS OUT SIDE ". i yelled.

drake:" what ?? he said like he was getting serious.

nicki:" trey have a gun in his hand and about to come our house ". i said so quickly.

drake:" ok you get the baby and stay up here . "

he said and i'll obey and the baby was crying so hard . that her blue eyes was start to get  brown. i stay up here until i heard a shot and another shot .then run to see drake on the ground shot up . then i see  trey  coming while i got aubri on my hip i run down to see what was wrong then i start to listen to his heart slow down . then i saw trey was about to pull me until the police shot trey and the leg then they came running in sayinng

COP:"ma it going to be ok just stay over there ." then they handcuff drake.

then i was trying to stop them but someone shot me in the back i turn around to see, it was trey i fell and     saw aubri crying . then black out

ME AND THE GEEK ( NICKI MINAJ AND DRAKE LOVE STORY)Where stories live. Discover now