the night i found out

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i woke next to drake . i got up . i took a quick shower . then brush my teeth . wash my face . i walk down stairs and then i went in aubri room to check o her . i said her in the corner crying .

nicki:" baby why you crying ...did you had a nightmare".i said in a soft voice .

aubri:" my tummy hurt mommy !!!". she said while rubbing her stomach  and crying .

then i  came and pick her up and put her on my hip. and rub her stomach.

aubri:" OOOOWWWWWWWWW". she said  in pain.

then i put her down . then lift her shirt up . i saw a big huge bruise .

nicki:" WHO DID THIS TO YOU ?". i said loud .

aubri:" no one ". she said scare .

nicki:"THEN HOW THIS HAPPEN ?!?" i said  loud again .

then right about she was about to say something . drake came in .

drake:" why do i hear  yelling ?"he said confused.

nicki:" because aubri have a huge bruise on her stomach . ". i said while pulling up her shirt .

drake:" wow what happen princess ?" he said concern .

aubri:" um um i was trying to get something to eat in the top cabinet , but i fell on the edge of the counter . then my tummy start to hurt , but   didn't want to wake you up  .

drake :" well don't do that again , first if you hungry you come and tell us and if you have serious injury you run  and come to us. " he said  concern .

aubri:" ok daddy ".

nicki:" now come on let me help you?" . i said while putting her on my hip .

i walk in the restroom .i sit aubri on the sink . i get ointment . then open it and rub it on her stomach . i rub it soft so  it want hurt . i put her shirt down .

nicki:" ok done ." i said with a smile .

then i put her down . then she run down stairs . then i walk down stairs . while i was walking i heard a knock .

nicki:" I"LL GET IT ". i yelled .

then i went down stairs . then i went to the door . then i open it . 

nicki:"TREY ".

ME AND THE GEEK ( NICKI MINAJ AND DRAKE LOVE STORY)Where stories live. Discover now