Chapter 7: Meeting By Chance

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Altair’s POV

You turn your back on that idiot for five minutes and he goes awol…I swear he probably got himself into trouble… I ran out of the front door and down the alley. I could have sworn I heard his voice nearby. In the distance, near the shops, I saw Aaron and talking. I couldn’t see his face, however, I managed to make out his silhouette in the moon’s light. Aaron looked afraid. Was he hallucinating again…? God I hope not…

I broke into a sprint and ran over to Aaron. Keep your cool, keep your cool, Altair “There you are! You scared me half to death, Aaron!” Panic rose in my voice as I grabbed his arm and pulled him away from the stranger in front of him.

I could see the man moving his arm away from his hip. “Aaron? That’s your name? I’ll have to remember that.” he said as he looked towards me. “And you must be his friend,” he smirked ever so slightly. “We were just talking about you…”

I arched my eyebrow, curiously. “Have you now? And whatever have you been saying?” I folded my arms as I stared him down.

Aaron looked back and forth at me and this man, paranoid, as he clung to me as a lifeline.

“Oh...we were just getting acquainted with each other is all. I am new to this place. I could use some friends here.” He said watching me with a stare as cold as ice. “I meant no harm to the boy, however, you should probably have his head examined. You both are acting suspicious.”

“Hm…” I looked over at Aaron. “Go home, Aaron. I made dinner already, alright?” I rubbed his back to comfort him.

He simply nodded silently and ran off without a word.

I watched him go, making sure he left safely, then looked back at the man. “Who are you exactly?” Those eyes...FOCUS!

“Who am I? I should be asking you the same thing, stranger.” His stare still held, showing no intent of breaking. “My name is privileged information and you are not on that list to hear it. I will tell you when the time is right, worm…” He folded his arms, still staring.

I smirked at his words. “How about a settlement then? Call it...swapping information if you will.” I tilted my head slightly. The hood of my cloak shadowed my face, though, I had a feeling the light in my dull blue eyes had still shone. He was suspicious, that much I knew…

“Swapping information? Hm… Very well then. Perhaps I can snuff out the life in your eyes with the information I hold dear?” He smirked, the moonlight highlighting his face. He looked up ever so slightly as if studying me as well. “You first.” His eyes narrowed at his words like he wasn’t about to give any information freely.

“Heh, if I must” I watched him cautiously. “First of all, hmhm, the name’s Altair. And yours?”

“The name’s Theron. ‘Tis a pleasure to meet you.” He had a faint outline of a smile on the corners of his lips. He held a hand out as if he had slowly begun to trust me. “You seem like a person who knows his way around this town, what can you offer me to which I may let your friend’s actions slip by?”

I shook his hand, and nodded. “I’ve been here quite a while.” I folded my arms and looked him over. “My friend hasn’t done anything wrong. He’s merely ill, on medication if I might add. Sadly, it worsens by day, he prefers to stay inside when people tend to accuse him of ‘being possessed by demons’ I mean honestly.” I sighed in remembrance and looked up at the sky.

“As do most, like the devil worshippers hiding out here. You wouldn’t happen to know any, would you?” His gaze turned to curiosity. “I’ve heard rumors about this place...and they weren’t very good.”

“Rumors? Of what sorts?” I looked back at him curiously. “I don’t really travel around to meet witches and warlocks, I prefer to educate myself with the strange customs. Why are you here if you’ve heard bad rumors?” Heh...I’m taller than him…

“I enjoy the sense of danger around me. Besides, what’s a traveller who has no stories? I’ve been searching for the right tale to tell...but alas, I may never see it if everyone here is hung for being witches and warlocks.” He looked to the sky as if telling the time. “It’s getting late for me. I should be heading back before my friend wakes to find me absent and is unable to tend to his hangover.” He looked back at me with a slight spark to his eyes. “Perhaps I’ll be seeing more of you.” He pulled his hood up over his face more and turned to take his leave.

I kept my eye on him as a sly smile pulled at my lips. “I’ll be looking forward to it then. Till then, good ‘morrow, Theron.” I pulled my cloak so it hugged me from the cold as I turned to leave the opposite way.

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