Chapter 21: He Lives On

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Altair’s POV

Not even a year later, the hunters that have once roamed, left little by little. It was over. The officials finally opened their eyes and stopped the trials. It was so surprising. Theron barely let me leave our temporary home during that time. He was such a worrywart, but I loved it about him. We celebrated, we found a home we could finally live in, in peace. Peter lived with us, of course, and we always had to have a cabinet full of scotch or some drink for him. I was glad Theron had him still.

Sadly, there wasn’t a day that went by that I hadn’t thought of Aaron. I wouldn’t allow myself to mourn in front of Theron. I missed him so much, but I hoped he was watching. He gave me a letter before he died. I never opened it. I didn’t have the heart to see what was inside. Somehow I felt like I knew what he had written but I never wanted to take the chance. I felt as if it were the last part of him I had left.

I sat outside early morning as Theron and Peter slept. The sun was only just rising, however, I could feel the warmth of it take me. I watched the confounds of the new town we decided to stay in. It wasn’t so bad. It felt nice to be somewhere cleaner, happier. It reminded me a lot of our old town. Hate it or love it, it was the place I met Theron and even though it’s gone it still held significance to me.

As I swam in my thoughts, I knew it was time to open the letter. It broke my heart to think about it but I had to do it. Aaron will never truly die…I thought as I pulled out a dirtied letter from the pocket of my cloak. I took a moment as I rubbed some of the creases off the paper. I unfolded it and held my breath as I looked to the words on the page. “Dear Altair…”

Dear Altair,

If you’re reading this then, I’ve probably passed away. Don’t mourn for me. It’s probably best...for both of us. I was going down a bad route, Altair. I was a shadow of my former self. I was slipping away, yet you wouldn’t let me go. You knew, yet you clung to the thin thread of hope that was me. The remainder of me. I love you, Altair. My best and only friend I ever had. I hope things worked out with the hunter. You always had the oddest sense of taste. I was a slob, you Yet we made living together work. I’m sure I’ll see you someday. Just take you time. Live every moment to its fullest. Love your life, love your man. And when it’s time, I’ll see you again. The fire I saw, I didn’t know it at the time. But I should warn you, there will be a great fire to come and overtake you. Knowing you, it probably passed and you haven’t decided to look at this till a long time later. Either way, I haven’t truly died. Every day you think about me, I’m alive. Well and free, without an illness keeping me away. Be strong, Altair. For now and ever, be Altair.

Your friend,


I gripped the letter sadly as a tear ran down my cheek. That asshole...I thought. I stroked the bottom of the page and saw a fennel leaf fall from a fold. I couldn’t help it, I smiled at his idiocy as I picked it up. I’ll protect everyone I love, that I promise. I froze as I heard footsteps from the house.

I turned to see Peter walking out of the house tiredly. He yawned and looked over at me. “Watching the sunrise eh, Altair?” He said and sat next to me. “What are you doing out here so early?”

I looked over at Peter. "Time to think, I guess? Nothing important." I folded up the letter and slipped it back into the inside pocket of my cloak.

“Hey, I may be a drunk. But I know when someone’s feeling down. What’s bothering you, Altair?” He put a hand to my shoulder to comfort me. He smiled reassuringly. “We’re all friends here, remember?”

I sighed as I looked to the distance. "I just miss Aaron. I don't really wish to talk about it. After this whole ordeal I really believed that we'd be..." I shook my head. "I clung to a false hope and reality sure likes to hit you hard."

“Isn’t there some spell to bring him back? Or is that not allowed…?” He glanced away then back to me.

I looked back at him sadly. "It's forbidden magic, Peter...I could but I would suffer the consequences of it...I'd do it in a heartbeat but I won't do that to Theron..."

“What’s required of it?” He asked curiously.

“A few herbs and such. My spell books burned in the fire so I can’t find an exact spell for it. Dark spells are in forbidden texts…” I sighed.

“Perhaps you could create a new spell? I mean, you are a warlock. Do you always have to go by the books?” I could sense he was trying to find a bright ray of hope in the darkness.

I sighed and looked up at the sky in silence. After a moment I looked at Peter again. "I suppose I can experiment. I'm in no rush..."

“Could I be of any assistance?”

“When I’m ready to start, you’ll be the first I come to. Right now, I’m sure he’s happy where he is. Pain free, without a care. Thank you, Peter.” I said kindly.

He smiled kindly to me. “I’ll be happy to help.” He said as he got up. “I’m gonna head inside. Theron’s gonna be up soon”

I nodded. “Alright, tell him I’m out here if he wishes to join me.”

He chuckled. “I’m sure he’ll want you in other places.” he said as he turned and walked back into the house.

I shook my head, cheeks flushed. “Whatever then. It’s the beginning of the rest of our lives so you never know.” I said with a smirk.

He turned and looked back. “Just don’t do anything until I’m passed out.”

 I grinned and called over. “No promises”

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