Chapter 24: Life Goes On

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Altair’s POV

 Pulling Theron away from Peter was tougher than I thought. I didn’t want to leave him behind. That was the last thing on my mind. Actually, it hasn’t even been on my mind. I lost Aaron, I didn’t want Theron to suffer the same loss that I did. I don’t know what I’d do with myself if it ever happened.

One glance back at the approaching man, I knew we couldn’t stay anymore. I grabbed Theron’s arm nearly rough as I pulled him out the back. Hearing him call for help nearly broke my heart and my resolve but I couldn’t go back. Peter wouldn’t want that. We needed to press on.

“Theron, forgive me...We’ll go back when we can. Right now we need to run. You know what’s what we have to do.” I looked over at him with pleading eyes as I pulled him along. I needed him to understand. I can’t have him mad at me or himself. It’s too much.

Theron looked to me with regret in his eyes. “I can’t leave him there!” I could hear the desperation in his voice. “I can’t leave him to die.” he said as he looked back to the house.

“I know, love. Don’t you think I know…??” We have no choice. He wanted us to go.” I looked at him sadly, squeezing his hand reassuringly. “He’ll be ok…”

Theron looked to me sadly and nodded. “We’re going back when that man is dead. I won’t let him get away with hurting him.”

I nodded. “Of course we will...we won’t leave him behind forever”

He looked almost heartbroken. “We need to gain distance.” he said. A few seconds later, I could hear the sounds of hoofbeats like that man from the forest wouldn’t be giving up that easily.

I sighed. Would I ever really be free? As I looked over Theron, I nodded because what else could I do? I couldn’t tell him I was afraid. As much as I loved him, I would never tell him when I was afraid. This wasn’t the time to look over the past. This wasn’t the time to mope. We need to do this for Peter…

Theron looked to me sadly and took my hand. He sprinted into the woods leading me on, not caring if the branches tore at him in defiance of the trail he blazed. The sound of the hoofbeats was getting closer and closer.

I ran after him as I kept his pace. I resisted the urge to look back and see what was going on. It’s like when someone tells you not to look you just have to be a little rebel and look. Anyway, I kept my eyes forward. I kept glancing over at Theron making sure he’s ok. I ran faster and pulled him along with me. “Keep up, darling.”

Theron looked up to me and ran faster to him. He looked back in fear. Behind was the rider gaining fast on us, the black horse jumping effortlessly over the branches. The glint of a metallic looking mask underneath their hood.

As the rider was getting closer, I could hear the sound of his sword unsheathing, raising above the man’s head. I had to think quick. I didn’t think much of myself. Quickly as I scanned the area, I grabbed Theron’s arm as I pushed him into the darkness of the trees. He would go back to Peter...I hope…

The rider was hell bent on pursuing me, paying no mind as Theron disappeared into the shadows. I could practically feel the horse’s breath down my neck. The rider’s sword came down like silver lightning at my neck, barely missing it. I could feel the wind rushing by as he ran ahead and blocked me off, sword pointed at my chest. The rider’s face was covered by a twisted demonic mask, almost resembling a wolf. I couldn’t see their eyes underneath.

I stopped in my tracks for fear of being skewered as I looked to the rider coldly. “Well you caught what?” I cocked my head to the side and tried to take a step back.

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