Chapter 18: The Hunt Goes On

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Peter’s POV

I woke up dazed to a cold, wet stone floor. I shook my head and forced myself to sit up. I rubbed my head feeling a large bump over the back of my head. The hell happened to me? Where am i? I looked around. The light of the dimly lit lanterns swinging overhead lit my surroundings. I was in prison. I looked around for any means of escape when I heard footsteps heading towards my cell. This isn’t good. If I’m in here… They’re going to be wanting information on Theron’s whereabouts... I heard a man’s voice call out from behind the light. His face was hidden. “Well well well… what do we have here?” he called out to me. “I hear you’re the friend of the traitor. Perhaps you’ll be willing to give information to us?”

I snarled and glared at him. “Never, you filthy dog.” I found myself slowly backing to the wall. It was only then I noticed that the reason the cell was wet, was because someone had been killed there before. I shuddered to think who it could have been.

The man strode over to my cell. He was cleaning off a bloody knife. “Filthy dog, eh? Yet you’re the one in a cage. Perhaps I can convince you to tell me where Theron and the devil worshipper are?” He kneeled so he was eye level with me. The burning hatred was clear in his eyes. I wasn’t going to make it out of this alive.

“I’ll never tell you anything. Theron is my closest friend and I’d never betray him!” My heart was pounding. Was I scared? A little, but, who wouldn’t be when you’re captive in the closest thing to Hell on earth.

The man smirked. “That’s exactly what I wanted to hear…” He stood and opened the cell pulling me up by the collar. I struggled to get free from his grip. I felt something tear along my stomach, then the warmth of blood started to flow. I closed my eyes tightly in pain, yet refused to let him hear my screams. “Where are they?” He asked sternly. I saw him pull the knife away. My blood fresh on it. I looked away trying not to let my will be broken.

“Interrogating a waste of time…” I growled. “You should know I’m not one to spill secrets so easily.” I glared at him, I could barely see my reflection in his eyes. He threw me back into the cell. I landed against the stone bed that was in the back. I felt a sharp crack against my lower back. I quickly placed a hand over my stomach to stop the bleeding. So much blood… I can’t stop it...

“You’re going to regret saying those words…” he said with a snarl and walked out shutting the cell behind him.

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