Chapter 22: A New Beginning

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Theron’s POV

It had been a slower first few months, but we had managed. Altair had even taught Peter a few spells, funny thing is, Peter only wants one that can conjure whiskey. I always did love that drunk.

The home we settled in had felt too much like the one I stayed in in the village. I had so many memories of my boyfriend there. Perhaps it was best it had burned, we wouldn’t have had these opportunities dead. I thought as I made my way out to the deck. I leaned against the rail letting the morning breeze flow through my hair. is a bit warmer now that it’s summer. I sighed and looked back towards the house. Everyone was still asleep...or hungover in Peter’s case.

I always worried about Altair, even when the entire ordeal was over. I kept thinking something would tear him away from my arms. He always called me a worrywart, and I won’t lie, I am. I guess that’s how lovers feel when their lives are on the line.

I had been daydreaming when the groans from Peter’s room broke me from my trance. Heh...poor guy must have figured out I pulled the curtains open. I should probably see if he needs another ocean in a bucket.

I turned and walked back into the house towards Peter’s room. I could see from the rays of light casting out into the hallway that he was furiously trying to get the curtains to close. Whoops… I looked in to see Peter tangled in sheets struggling to close the measly pieces of fabric, only to see him fall back onto the bed pulling them down with him. I couldn’t help but laugh for a bit.

“This is all your fault dammit.” He groaned in defeat.

I smirked playfully. “You should know these things by now. I enjoy playing pranks on your drunken ass.” I said narrowly avoiding a pillow being thrown at my face.

“Ah screw you, Theron.” He mumbled pulling the covers over his head. “Go mess with that boy of yours.”

“Oh...I might just have to..”  I said and walked out to peek into Altair’s room. Altair was sprawled out on the bed awkwardly. One leg hanging off the side of the bed. He was tangled up in the covers like he had a fight with them. His hair an utter mess, an arm over his eyes; his other was around my pillow. I chuckled to myself and walked inside sitting on the bed next to him. I caressed his cheek gently and looked to my pillow with a playful smirk. I leaned in to his ear and whispered. “I don’t think that lady appreciates your cuddles…Try me instead.”

He opened an eye, moved his arm away, and looked at me. His voice thick with sleep. “I dunno...I’ll take it into consideration.” He gave me his best lazy smile.

I smiled playfully and laid down by him pulling him close. “Oh c’mon, Altair, at least cuddle the real thing.” I said, kissing him swiftly.

He smiled up at me and put his arm around me. “Oh fine, you’ve woken me up already.” He pulled my head down lightly and kissed me softly. “Better?” He murmured.

I smiled kissing him back. “Better.” I pulled him close and rested my head to his chest, listening to his rhythmic heartbeat. “You’re amazing, I’m not sure how I was able to be with you this long…”

He chuckled. A low breathy sound escaped him, probably from sleep. "Call it a mystery, darling. I'm still baffled why you have stooped so low as to love someone like me." He trailed a hand through my hair.

I smiled softly putting a hand to his cheek. “Because you’re the only one who gives me this kind of feeling, you’ve given me hope.”

He chuckled and placed but a feather of a kiss to my temple. "I love you. I'll never get tired of saying it..."

I smiled and put a finger to his lips hushing him. “I think we all know who loves who more in this situation…You’re starting to forget the depth of all that love I have for you.” I said chuckling, holding him close, letting his warm embrace surround me.

“Ooo someone’s getting poetic” He said with a grin, moving my hand away.

I entwined my fingers with his smiling. “I thought you enjoyed it when I do this hm? Or was that the other thing we do?” I asked playfully.

“These walls aren’t soundproof, dammit!” Peter yelled from across the hall.

Altair laughed at Peter's complaints and held me close. "Too bad, I don't think we can keep quiet when we're dancing under the sheets!"

“Why I chose to room with you two is beyond me! Now stop shouting your damn poetry lines!”

“I love that drunk…” I said laughing.

"Not as much as me though?" He chuckled.

I chuckled. “You’re the only one I’d be cuddling with.”

He smirked and rolled over me. "Well duh, not like I'd let you cuddle with another."

“Says the one who cuddles my pillow.”

"Psh, not like I was dreaming of you." He smiled down at me.

“I enjoy hearing those sleep talks.” I said caressing his cheek, trailing my hand down to his abs.

He leaned down and kissed me softly. "Looks like something else is on your mind."

“We haven’t done anything in a while.” I smiled faintly. “Can’t a man have his lovely fantasies?”

He shifted onto his side, holding me close. "Why don't we make those fantasies a reality?" He whispered in my ear.

“Oh hell no you’re not!” Peter shouted. He groaned after like the hangover struck him back into silence.

 “I think we should. Just to make the guy regret drinking last night.” I smirked and flicked out the lights.

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