Chapter 15: For Him I Die

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Altair's POV

I couldn't do it. I couldn't leave Aaron. How could I have left him alone?!All this time, he patiently waited...while I went around fawning over, Theron...I held Aaron close to me and ran out past Theron and into the alleys. He wasn't gone...There has to be some...spell...I ran out of the alleys frantically. Running was all I had left.

"Hey, wait!" Theron called from behind. I could barely hear his footsteps chasing after me. "Where are you going?!" He coughed like the smoke had been getting to him.

I stopped quickly, remembering that Theron was with me. I ran back to him and pulled my cloak off with one arm. "Hold it over your mouth, I can't lose you too, Theron. Please..." I swear I heard my voice crack. I wasn't doing this here.

Theron quickly grabbed the cloak putting it over his mouth, still holding the sword in his other hand. He pointed towards the fallen debris in our way and ran ahead slashing at it. He stopped in mid swing and jammed his sword into the cobblestone leaning over like something had struck him. He managed to regain strength and cleared the last of the debris to freedom. "Come on! It's not much farther!" He said pulling my cloak away from his mouth.

I looked around quickly and noticed the cobblestone falling quickly. If one person should make it out alive, it should be him. As the cobblestone fell, I pushed Theron forward with my free hand, out of the alleys. It became dark very fast as the stone created a blockage and the world slipped away.

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