Chapter 11: Another Meeting

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Altair’s POV

It was about a month or so later after that lovely meeting at the vendors. Theron and I saw a lot of each other after that. As he seemed more comfortable around me, the suspicion that had been nestled in my gut subsided. I noticed more and more about him as we met up. He had a bunch of quirks I won’t lie but, I couldn’t help but enjoy his company. Boy did I enjoy his company...but that’s not something I’m telling him anytime soon.

He wanted to see me out by the vendors again for something. I was curious so I made sure Aaron was at home and in bed after taking his medicine then stepped out of our place. I’m going to get hypothermia from this weather. I walked out to where the vendors were and waited.

I saw Theron leaning against the walls of a building. He looked almost bored to death. He looked to me and smiled calmly. He waved and walked over. “Took ya long enough.” He said with a grin.

I smiled back at him. “Sorry about that, Aaron took forever to get back to bed, he’s like a child now. It’s sad actually, I know he won’t be around another two months at this rate...but anyway, why did you want to see me?” I looked at him.

He smiled again. “I wanted to take you back to my place. I’ve been wanting to meet someplace warmer. My home isn’t too far from here. If you don’t mind a drunk friend wandering the building…”

I chuckled. “I don’t mind a bit, I was starting to wonder when you would ask. You mentioned Peter so much, I’ll be honest. I grew curious of who was the man behind these drunk antics.” I folded my arms. “Shall we? Before I turn into an icicle?”

“Oh but of course. Though, I thought people here were used to this Hellish weather. Follow me.” He turned to guide me out to the edge of town towards a rickety cabin. He looked back and smiled. “Sorry for the state this is in… It’s the only place that we could afford.” He said, a solemn look to him like he was ashamed of it.

“It’s quite alright, Theron. My place isn’t the most wondrous place on the east side either. Though, I’ve never shown you it, have I.” I smiled warily at him. “Maybe next time.” I looked over at the rickety cabin. It didn’t seem so bad, I lived in a wall in the alleys after all…Maybe, when this is all over, I’ll tell him the truth. ‘Till then, I’ll enjoy his company while I have it…

“Then, come in.” He smiled at me and opened the door. He led me inside to what seemed to be the living area. The fire was going as best as it could but the building was still slightly chilled. “Peter’s probably out gathering water at the well. He should be back shortly.”

I nodded as I looked around. “Sounds good, at least it’s warmer inside.” I grinned at him. I could make this place a lot warmer with my magic…I can make it discreet I suppose I thought as I walked over to the fire. I pulled my hands from my cloak and held them to the fire to warm.

He chuckled slightly and sat next to the fire as well. “I’m sorry for our little heating issue. This place hasn’t been touched since we moved in. Then again, I’ll probably be moving shortly anyways.”

I looked over at him as I sat down. Leaving? Ah I knew it was coming…I thought. “Where you boys headed to?” I asked curiously.

“Hopefully to a better paying job.” he looked to the fire with dark humor in his eyes. “No one trusts us I guess.” He sighed sadly. I heard the door open and a familiar voice.

“Hey, Theron! Who’s the guest? I coulda bought another bottle!” A familiar man walked inside, a bottle of scotch in hand. “This stuff is glorious. I don’t see why you don’t like it.”

Theron shook his head smiling. “That’s Peter, my raving drunk.”

I chuckled at his words. “Sorry to disappoint but I’m not much of a drinker.” I looked up at Peter curiously. Ah so that’s the famous Peter…

“Ah well, more for me.” He grinned merrily and took a large swig from the bottle. “And I ain’t a ravin’ dunk!” He said and slapped Theron over the back of the head playfully.

“Yea, well you sure sound like one. Meet Altair, he’s the one I’ve been telling you about.” Theron said rubbing the back of his head.

Peter gasped. “Are you two on a date?!”

I nearly choked on air as I heard his words. I pulled my hood down, face flushed slightly. Is he even like that?!! I mentally slapped myself for my idiocy.

Theron looked away as if embarrassed. He slapped Peter’s shin as if to shut him up. He looked back to me, many emotions swimming in his eyes now. “Please, don’t listen to anything he says. He’s wasted.”

I cleared my throat and nodded. “Y…Yea I know, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it.”

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