Chapter 21

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Spain was nice. I guessed. 

That's pretty much everything I could say, because I didn't see much of it from the window in the tourbus.

I had only been out of the tourbus once or twice, just to go back again later. I had nothing against anybody on the tour, but I couldn't stand being near the same people in a long while without them getting on my nerves completely.

Now, I wasn't mad at anybody. I just knew that if I were going to be with these people for almost nine months, I would have to keep some distance in times. Times like when I had zero self-confidence and just wanted to be alone for the day.

I believe the other three musicians realised I wanted to be alone, because they had left when I was starting to get grumpy and annoyed. They were probably in one of the other tourbuses, but I was enjoying this time in silence by myself.

Well, not complete silence. I had my computer next to me in my small bunk with spotify on. Only acoustic, soft songs. Lovely. I was reading some book Chelsea made me bring. It was good. Not great, but it made me zone out and get lost into the book, just like I needed to.

Twenty minutes alone. Twenty amazing minutes for myself in soft silence. That's all I got. And all I needed.

"Issy! Issy, Issy, Issy, Issy, ISSY!!!"

"Belle? Stop being boring and get out of there!"

I sighed, but couldn't help my smile. Somehow, I loved them being loud and crazy and I couldn't stay in my little quiet bubble by myself the entire day, could I?

I pulled the curtain away and looked out on the smiling guys outside my bunk.

"We are kidnapping you!" Niall said, laughing. Since when did you warn the victim before you kidnapped her? They were all smirking widely, like they all knew some amazing secret. I quite liked surprises, because if you had the patience, it almost always turned out good.

"Why?" I asked.

"Can't tell you, it's a surprise." Louis said. Harry smacked with his tongue and shook his head.

"If we would say it, it wouldn't be a surprise. Now come with us!" Harry pulled me by the arm and I got down and after them. I was a very easy victim of kidnapping. I just followed them. They were all very happy and kept talking about how my reaction would be and how great this idea was. I was getting excited. The boys' excitement was containing and I wanted to know what it was right away.

During the tour, they would start writing on their new album. They were going to start little by little and Zayn and Liam were apparently starting up the writing with Dan and Sandy and some Spanish writer that day. 

The four guys led me to a car and we all jumped in. Harry opened the door to the drivers seat and I got into the seat next to him.

"No way, you guys. We can't have Harry to drive and Belle can't help me find the way, because she can't know until we are there." Louis said and I got out and, after much protesting, sat in the backseat between Josh and Niall. There weren't enough place to stretch your legs out back there. Louis was driving and Harry was being grumpy because no one believed his driving was good or in any way comfortable. We all mocked him and laughed, like the great friends we were.

"Hazza, how about we let you drive back?" Louis said and put his hand on his knee with a sweet smile. Harry pouted and nodded. Such a baby.

It was impossible to read any of the signs in Spanish and even if some of them were on English, they were still hard to understand.

After driving for thirty minutes, it was starting to get slightly darker outside and Louis finally told us we were there. I got out of the car and saw Barcelona's airport. My first thought was that we were going somewhere, and I got worried because I didn't bring my passport and we had a concert in less than five hours.

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