Chapter 27

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The sound check was just done and David, the sound engineer, was just finished with his work so we were aloud to go and get ready for the concert. I was about to jump down from the platform with the keyboards but saw Zayn stand below me with his arms up in the air. He smiled up at me.

"Jump. I'll catch you." He promised. My first thought was that I never would do that, but I did and I didn't understand why or how. Why were we laughing so much? He helped me down with his hands on my waist and his easy touch felt like small sparks of electicity just where his warm hands touched me.

As soon as my feet touched the ground, Zayn bended down and lifted me up in the air with one arm under my knees and the other behind my back. I shrieked and held my arms tight around his neck to prevent me from falling. The others laughed at us and so did I. Since when didn't I care about that people was watching us? Since when did Zayn do things like carrying me of stage and walk backstage? Harry shouted some dirty joke after us and Zayn chest vibrated as he chuckled. I kept giggling. Was I drunk? Why didn't I ask him to put me down like I normaly would? I didn't even see something wrong in what he was doing. I just kept laughing.

"Isabelle." He sighed with a heart warming smile and gently put me down on a couch in one dressing room. It was nothing but my name, my full name even, but it made my heart flutter even if I didn't like being called that. I had never liked my full name and Zayn knew that. Why did he say it and why was I being okay with it?

Some kind of weird force made my hand go up for his shirt when he was leaning away from me. I grabbed it and pulled him down so he nearly fell on top of me. I was still laughing like a little schoolgirl and Zayn was smiling, showing of his perfect white teeth. No signs of his normal shyness was to be seen. His facial expression got serious, but the small smile was still there, when he slowly, painfully slowly, leaned down and I knew he was going to kiss me.

What was happening? Why didn't I question it more, but instead hoped that he would? His lips landed on my cheek, far down. I could almost feel them touch the corner of my mouth, but they didn't. My eyes were closed and I could hear him laughing at how I was pouting. My breath was heavier than usual and I felt embarrased because of my reaction. Then I felt his lips just where I wanted them. Soft, lightly, barely moving. My thoughts was spinning around and I wasn't able to think straight just after three seconds, when he left me lying on the sofa with a pounding heart. He left the room. He kissed me.

A noise outside my hotelroom made me sit up straight, my heart pounding even faster than it had in my dream. I just dreamt that Zayn kissed me. I wanted him to kiss me. Shit.


My suitcase was lying open across the end of the bed. I had been folding everything neatly in the beginning, but I had given that up by then and was just trying to squeeze in everything I owned in the bag.

How his expression changed when he leaned forward with his eyes on my lips.

I gave all my focus on my bag and pushed away the memories from my dream the night before. Trying to stop the thought only made it worse and the blurry images I could remember flashed in my mind constantly. I wasn't very good on focusing with the lack of sleep. I couldn't go back to sleep with all those thoughts in my head. I couldn't sleep because the only thing I could think about was Zayn and how I was slowly understanding that I liked him and how bad I wanted him. 

I wanted him to kiss me and I was sure that it wasn't just dream-Issy who wanted that. Even though I tried to deny it to myself, I knew that I wanted to remember the feeling of how he kissed me. How his lips touched mine and how it felt completely right, at the same time as I had the excited and weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. It was a nice, weird feeling.

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