2. My New BFF

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Then I made the most stupid decision of my life. I kicked the guy in the balls and he dropped the gun. The girl got out of my grasp and ran at the other two dodging bullets. I got the gun and pointed it at the guy who almost shot me.

He held his hands up in surrender. He said, "We just want the girl man. That's all we came here for." I still had the gun pointing at him with my hand shaking. "Why do you want her?"

"That's none of-" "WHY!" I yelled. I wanted to sound threatening. He said, "Because she's done something." "What?" I asked. My finger went to the trigger. I didn't want to shoot someone but I will defend myself, the girl, and my friends.

"Her family has to be wiped out." "Why?" He sighed, "They are murders." I saw the girl stiffen as she stood over two unconscious men. "Liar." She said. "Is that why? You killed them just because of ..." She stopped and looked at me.

"Because of what?" I turned to her my hand still clutching the gun. She removed the hoodie off her head and I scanned her face. She had short brown hair, blue eyes..

What stood out was that she had a scar on her forehead.

"See this?" She pointed to the scar and continued, "I got this running from the leader of a gang." I still had the gun but wasn't paying attention to the man at all. I wanted to know more. I looked back to see the man gone.

"What?" I said to myself. I dropped the gun and told Matthew to call the police. The girl tried to leave but I put her in a corner to sit in. She is going to have to explain.

When the cops came they handcuffed the two men even though they are still unconscious. They got close to the girl.

She ran.

She got to the door leading outside and ran out. I wasn't going to let her get away. "Guys catch her!" I yelled. I took off out the door and saw the girl already halfway across the football field.

I sprinted after her. My friends are faster than me but I seemed to be the only fast person now. I must still have the adrenaline from having the gun. Energy shot through my whole body as I chased after the mystery girl.

I saw her hair as she disappeared into the undergrowth of the woods. I jumped through the trees into a meadow. I saw the girl leaning against the tree holding some sort of book to her chest as she breathed heavily. I walked up to her and she turned obviously surprised I caught up.

She looked like she was about to take off when I yelled, "Wait don't run! Oh I'm too tired. Please give me a break. I'm not exactly cut out for running." She giggled at how tired I was.

"What's that?" I looked at the book in her hand it seemed familiar. She looked at it warily, "I found this today. It has poems and drawings and things in it."

"That's my friend's." She looked surprised. "Really? I didn't know you knew anyone so poetic." I laughed, "I'm poetic." She still had the surprised look on her face. "Really tell me one of your poems."

I thought for a moment, rasing my eyebrow, "Tell me your name for exchange."

She sighed, "I'm Haylee."

I laughed, "Roses are red, Violets are blue, I am poetic, how about you?" She clapped.

"Now tell me your real poem."

"Nah I'm not good."

She scoffed, "Fine, whatever."

I replied, "I'm Layten."

She sarcastically responded, "Fantastic."

"Why you turn down help?" I shot at her.

"I turn down help because I don't need it." I grabbed her hand to keep her from walking away, "That's a lie. Let me help you. Please?"

She jumped pulled away, "Why do you care?"

I said, "Because those guys back there were hunting you for a reason. You need someone to protect you."

She scoffed, "I can take care of myself."

"Please? We can know each other better. You can have a friend for the first time in your life!"

"They will find me. Then they will hurt you. I don't want anyone hurt because of me."

I grabbed her hand. "Please."

She hesitated again then nodded.

Damn that was easy.

I pulled her in for a hug. "You'll be safe now. You'll stay with me and you can be my friend."

I walked back with Haylee leaning on my side. I have a new friend. We walked back to school and I saw my mom pacing outside the school doors.

She saw me and yelled, "LAYTEN ROBINSON!" Oh no. "YOUR FRIENDS TOLD ME YOU ALMOST GOT SHOT!" She ran up to me and Haylee backed away as my mom tackled me in a hug.

She sobbed into my shoulder and stopped and turned to Haylee. "Your that mystery girl that almost had my son shot." Haylee backed away saying, "I'm sorry I didn't mean it. Layten just thought stupidly and saved me for a reason I don't know. He is a hero you should be proud."

She smiled at me. "I am. BUT THAT WAS STILL STUPID AND DANGEROUS!" She grabbed me and I grabbed Haylee. "She's coming with us." Mom looked bewildered. "No." "Yes." "NO." We argued and I said, "Mom I am the only one who she accepted help from. She only trusts me. She's coming." I felt Haylee shake at the word trust. What's up with her?

Mom stood still then nodded and reached out for Haylee's hand. Haylee stepped away from mom and stood beside me. I feel like I'm superman.

We were silent in the car ride home and I could tell Haylee was nervous. She was shaking and I scooted up to her and mouthed 'It's okay'. She shook her head, looking out the window.

We got home ten minutes later, Haylee almost falling asleep. I went in the house and walked in my room with Haylee behind me. "This is the bat cave." She laughed and jumped on my bed. "You sleep there I guess and I'll sleep in the floor." I said.

I got my camouflaged sleeping bag and sat on the floor checking my phone. It was 5:30 but Haylee was sleeping on my bed.

My phone vibrated: 1 new I message.

From: Matthew

Hey. Good to know your still ALIVE! What happened to Mystery girl?

To: Matthew

Her name is Haylee. She is going to be my BFF! :-) :-) :-)

From: Matthew

You get to close way too fast.

To: Matthew

Is that a bad thing?

From: Matthew

It is when you barley know her.

To: Matthew

Whatever gtg she's waking up bye

From: Matthew


I put my phone up and watched as Haylee got out of my bed. "Morning." I said.


I laughed and said, "I'm just joking it's 5:35."

She said, "Oh. Ha." She went over to my piano and started playing it lightly. I walked over and started to hum along with the song. "I like Avril Lavigne too." I said after he finished. She smiled. "Now that your my BFF we need to know each other better. That means WHY IN THE WORLD ARE YOU BEING HUNTED?" I said.

She raised her eyebrow, "BFF?"

"Answer me missy."



CLIFFHANGER! Hehehe! Time for da authors note! Okay first up @laytenrobinson is the main character and the mystery girl is @hayleedew13. That's all. NOW KEEP CALM AND READ ON MY FELLOW BOOK WORMS!

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