10. If I Stay You Do Too

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Haylee's Pov

Addie hung up the phone and said, "We have to leave. NOW." She whispered something in Ashley's ear and Ashley whispered to Anna. Anna looked to me then back to Addie. "What's wrong?" I croaked.

They all frowned at me. "Where's Layten?" I asked getting worried. "LAYTEN!" I yelled. I jumped out of bed and ran to the door. I ignored the calls after me and ran outside.

"LAYTEN!" I screamed.

Layten's Pov

What am I doing? I held my head in my hands and sobbed on the side of the curve. Matthew was pacing behind me and I heard my name in the distance.

"Layten!" The voice kept getting louder.

"LAYTEN!" I jumped up and saw a figure running towards me. "Haylee?"

Haylee ran up to me and jumped in my arms. She sat down beside me on the curve. She asked in between sniffles, "What did you do?"

I said, "I-I jumped in front of a truck." She gasped and started tearing up. She said in between sobs, "What about me? What about Addie and Ashley? About Matthew and your mother? Do you know how much pain we would be put through?"

I wiped her tears away and said, "I'm sorry I wasn't thinking." She pushed my shoulder and said, "Don't ever do that ever again!"

"I don't know if I can control it." I said being totally honest. I felt horrible.

I saw more figures come up behind Haylee and I stood up as Addie attacked me with her hug.

She cried into my shoulder, "I swear if you ever try something like that again I'll make sure you-" I cut her off, "I'm fine Addie. I promise."

Ashley joined in our group hug and Matthew tackled us all. "I have to speak to Layten alone please." Haylee said. Everyone nodded and walked back to the house.

I looked to Haylee who was now sitting on the curve again. "Haylee?" She was off in her own world staring at the sky. Clouds thundered above and I sat beside her.

"Do not ever do that again." She said I start, "I-" "Do you know what I would have done if I lost you?" She asked.

I shook my head. "I would have ran away again. And I wouldn't come back." She answered. I gasped, "Haylee you have a good life now please don't run away."

"Layten if I lost you I would probably kill myslef." She said. I stared at her I astonishment. "No you wouldn't." I said hoping she wasn't telling the truth.

"Layten if you go I go. But if you stay I'll stay too. I'm not going to lose you again." She said. My head is swarming in deep thoughts. If I die she will die too. But if I stay she will stay with me.

"I-I'll stay." I sputtered. She asked, "Really?" I nodded.

"Promise me." She held out her pinkey. I laughed and took her pinky with mine. "I promise."

We got up as it started to rain. We ran and jumped in the puddles laughing. It's the first time I felt happy in a while.


Okay so this wasn't a long chapter but I'm trying to make them longer. I'm just getting prepared for school again. 5 MORE MONTHS TILL IM OUT OF THAT HELL HOLE! But then I got to go to junior university for the summer. Only two weeks this time. I will probably update again tomorrow. But this is all for now! Keep calm and read on my fellow book worms! :) :) :)

-Anna Wolferson

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