24. Thunder Buddies

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Haylee's Pov

Thunder it echoes all through the house. "LAYTEN GET THE BUCKETS!" I yell trying to hold the ceiling from leaking.

"Got it!" He yelled coming back with two buckets. I put them in place and went to the living room. I saw Matthew in the living room because long story short him and Layten are "thunder buddies" and they can't live through a storm without each other.

When ever there is a flash of lighting Matthew will jump on Layten and Layten whispers to him it'll be fine.

It's such a bromance. But then the power went off and the light was gone. "Haylee?" I heard someone call. I turn around to see Freddy. "Freddy?" I ask.

"What?" He says then I blink my eyes to reveal Matthew. I feel the tears coming on and he pulled me close to him.

"It's fine. It's okay I'm here." He said. I cried into his shoulder and whimpered, "Matthew I loved him. I still do. Even when he died. He's still here in my mind and he won't leave. He won't leave." I repeated the words over and over again.

"I love you." He whispered and I whispered back, "I love you too."

Then I saw Layten holding his phone up to shine the light on us. "Come to the bat cave." He said and me and Matthew walked shoulder to shoulder behind Layten.

When we got to the 'bat cave' Matthew jumped straight under the covers off the bed. "Wait for me!" Layten yelled and jumped under with him.

I'm friends with a bunch of scaredy cats who need thunder buddies. Then thunder broke out and I heard a bark. A bark?

I ran into the living room to find Anna with a wet husky. The dog was white with muddy paws and clear blue eyes. "Anna what are you doing with a dog in here? Layten's mom won't let it stay!" I yell.

"That's the point! Were going to hide her. This is Alaska." She said motioning to the dog.

We ran Alaska into Layten's room and Matthew jumped off the bed and ran to the dog. "Oh my gosh where did you find her?" He asked.

"Outside in the mud laying down." Anna answered and Matthew said, "Lets keep her!"

Layten yelled,"We can't my mom won't let us have a dog!" Matthew gave him puppy dog eyes and Layten groaned.

"One night." Layten said and I clapped my hands. While it was raining we snuck Alaska around the house to feed her, wash her, and play with her.

She went back in Layten's room and slept on the bed. Layten got in the floor, I got in the bed, and Matthew stared out the window.

I think Layten was asleep so I asked Matthew, "What are you doing?" "I'm making sure you don't get kidnapped again." He said and gazed back out the window.

"Goodnight." I said and let sleep come over me.

Layten's Pov

The girl. The meadow. The thunder. All these things flashed before me. The school exploding? Why is it showing that? Will the school explode?

But why is this involved with Haylee? What did she do to deserve this? 8 time the lightning striked.

Someone tell me what it means please. I need help. I need to stop it. Help me please...


YAY I UPDATED! YAY! YEPPI! HAHA! Until next time....


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