28. Time is up...

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Layten's Pov

The blizzard blew this whole week away and now I'm scared. Why? Oh lets see Thursday night 5 lighting strikes, Friday 4, Saturday 3, Sunday 2, And now it's Monday and I'm shuffling in my seat.

Why did time go so fast? What will happen today. Then I heard probably the most scariest thing I have ever heard... A lighting bolt boomed the earth and I jumped out of my seat getting glances and laughs from other students.

It stopped right after one strike and the clouds were still dark. After class ended I ran to my next class not knowing that this was my last class I would have with Haylee...

Haylee's Pov

I was in band class talking with Matthew when Layten ran in and sat beside us. "What's wrong?" I asked clearly stating that he looks like he just ran a marathon.

"I have to tell you something I should have told you twelve days ago." He said and began his story. I listened and when he finished I sat there horrified. Anna had come over to listen to the story and I heard her mumble something under her breath.

Then the inter com came on, "Attention students. We are having a lock down." I shook with fear and our teacher started making all the students get in the now empty closets. After most of the students got in one closet with the teacher there was one left.

"No." I stated. I was about to be crammed in a small closet with Mattew, me, Layten, and Anna.

I pulled out my vibrating phone.

From: Addie

R y'all okay?

From: Ashely

Why is there a lock down??? :(

Layten then rubbed my shoulders pushing me in the closet. I didn't freak out to bad the closet was bigger than I thought.

I held on to Matthew and Layten for dear life and tried to calm down.

Layten's Pov

Haylee was clutching onto me and Matthew with a very tight grip. Then the inter com came back on, "Attention attention. W is in the school. That's right Haylee W is much closer than you think. But who is it? You'll find that out in a second."

Haylee whimpered loudly and Matthew kissed her hand. The inter com continued, "Now all students evacuate right now. For there is a C-4 bomb soon to explode and we wouldn't always anyone getting hurt. Oh poor Haylee and her friends might not make it out though. W take care of them. I'm sorry it had to be like this W or should I say Anna Wilkerson. This was Greg Wilkerson goodbye."

Haylee's Pov

I stood up to see Anna locking the door And sliding the key on the other side. "I wanted to tell you Haylee I really did but my brother Greg wouldn't allow it. Yeah he's not dead. He escaped and I helped him back to his original state." Anna said.

I stared at her in disbelief. This makes so much sense. W is for Wilkerson. That's how the gang members found us trough Anna. Now we are stuck in her waiting for our deaths.

"Why?" I asked her.

"Because I had too! You think I would just do this for no reason! Your my best friend! I was forced to do this! I'm pretty sure Greg would have killed me if I didnt!"

"Why did you kill him when you had the chance?" I yelled at her.

"Because I .... I just couldn't kill my brother." She looked away from me. I wanted to shoot my ex best friend right now. She BETRAYED me!

Matthew then looked up and tapped my arm. He pointed to the celling and I saw the roof was creaked open a little. We could escape.

"Let's live." I told Anna and faced her. "What?"

"Let's get out of here." I told her and I picked up a near by chair and stood on top of it. I hit the roof and it popped open.

"Come on. Let's live." I said to her. The the inter com came back on. "Sorry W but looks like your going to have to die with your friends you betrayed. But you did your family a good thing. Bomb is to explode in 10 minutes. Goodbye for the last time." 

Anna looked pissed then looked back up to me. She said, "I...


W is Anna. MUHAHAHAHA! I will probably make this book 30 chapters. So I'll update later. Until next time...

-Anna, W 😘

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