5. The Fury of Starbucks Girls

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So I'm writing this chapter on the way to Newnan. Listening to let it go by Avirl Lavigne it's awesome to listen to while reading this chapter. Now I'm going to do Haylee's Pov. Okay read.


Haylee's Pov

I looked back and forth from Layten, Matthew, and my road to escape. I looked at Layten one last time. I mouthed 'goodbye'. A tear fell down his cheek and he nodded. I took off running. It was so hard not to turn back. Memories flooded back to me.

(Flash back.)

"Run Haylee!" I was running throughout the snow with Anna running urging me on behind me. I ran faster and faster.

I ran long and hard for about thirty minutes throughout the woods. I still had Anna's bow and arrows from hunting. I stopped and looked back to find no one. No. I can't lose Anna she's all I have! "Anna!" I screamed into the wind that blew harshly. The wind was cold hard thorns pricking my skin.

I ran back. My legs gave up and I heard howls of the wolves. Wolves were Anna's favorite animal. Oh Anna. Please be okay. I made my way crawling on my knees through the snow yelling Anna's name. I came back to the clearing after my voice died. I saw Anna's coat on the ground. I knew what happened. They took her.

I cried. I promise I will never love someone so they won't get hurt. If I do get close to someone I will never leave them.

(Flash back ended.)

I was at home after taking a taxi. When I got home I ran inside and locked the door. Layten's mom wasn't here so I'm alone. I ran to Layten's room and cried. I stop crying and ran my hand over his bed and his piano.

Then something fell out of my pocket. His phone I still had it! I picked up his phone and was about to call the police. Wait I'm still a run away I can't call the cops.

Then his phone buzzed. 1 new I message.

From: Addie:P

Hey me and Ashley were wondering if you could go see a movie with us?

I then sprung a idea. This is going to be hard but I have to try.

To: Addie:P

Hi I'm Haylee. I need help. Can you come over to Layten's house please. It's a life or death situation!

From: Addie:P


Ten minutes later two girls burst into the house kicking down the door. One yelled, "HAYLEE WHERE IS LAYTEN!" The other was holding 2 Starbucks coffee's.

"I'm Haylee. I need help." I stood infront of the two girls observing them. One had a red shirt with blue jeans and a camouflaged visor and ugg boots with Starbucks coffee. Her hair was medium length brown hair.

The other girl had a blue blouse, dark blue jeans, a hat, and ugg boots. She was a little taller than the other one and she had black hair with red tips. She said, "I'm Ashley and that's Addie." She pointed to the one with the camo hat. "Nice to meet you. I'm Haylee." I said.

"Now what's your life death situation?" I then told the girls everything that happened. And when I got to the end the jumped up and grabbed my hand dragging me to the door. I had Layten's phone still and held on to it tightly.

"Where are we going?" "To find them." Addie said almost tripping over her ugg boots. They pushed me in their car and they started it. "Wait we aren't even 16!" Ashely jumped in the passengers seat and said, "It's a life death sitaution!"

Addie stepped on the gas and drove like a maniac. I took out Layten's phone.

To: Unknown

Where are you? I want my best friend and his retarded friend.

The unknown number typed in a address which used to be a old hospital. But it was demolished in a fire and never repaired. "Okay so here's the plan..."

I explained the plan over and over again until they finally put it through their brain. "Ohhh! Okay!" Addie finally understood the plan.

They dropped me off and I walked into the back parking lot which was surrounded by a huge wall. I was met by probably 15 people with black masks, Layten, and Matthew. Layten and Matthew had their hands tied together and the men were holding them on the ground.

The masked leader walked forward a bit and said, "Haylee welcome. Do you like the place? We've been here ever since this place burned down." I looked around to see no exits because a man blocked the door in which I came from.

"It stinks." I said. The man chukled then got closer. I stepped away. "I'll trade myself for the release of my best friend and his friend." He looked back to the boys who were shaking their heads. "Okay." "Cut the ropes." I ordered. His men cut the ropes but still held a grip on my boys.

I walked forward to the leader and he grabbed me quickly. His men punched Layten and Matthew in the stomach. I screamed at the men. Then the leader said, "You are about as stupid as your father." "No I'm nothing like my father. Because he never came up with plans. But I do."

The man looked confused then I screamed, "STARBUCKS!" A car came crashing through the hospital and I pushed the leader in front of it. The car hit the leader and he fell on the ground.

Addie and Ashley came bursting out of the car with their coffee. Addie and Ashley tripped over their ugg boots and Addie screamed, "I broke a nail!" Ashely got up and stood their with a 'O' curved mouth. Then Addie stood up shaking and dusting her ugg boots off.

She looked furious and then she went all girl power. "YOU DOUCHES! DO YOU SEE WHAT YOU MADE ME DO! I BROKE A FREAKIG NAIL TRYING TO SAVE MY FRIENDS FROM YOU TURD BAGS! NOW YOUR GOING TO PAY!" Her and Ashley jumped back in the car and Addie hit the gas pedal and drove straight towards the group of men.

The yelled and ran away from Layten and Matthew taking off out of the parking lot jumping over the wall. Matthew, me, and Layten jumped in the car and I highfived the girls.

"STARBUCK'S FURY!" Addie yelled and we all copied. We drove to Starbucks and had victory frappe-chinos. We all sat at the table and talked. "Addie you were amazing!" Layten yelled and Matthew nodded.

She smiled and said, "If it wasn't for Haylee you two probably would have died." Layten smiled at me and so did Matthew. Layten said, "I have the bravest best friend ever." I smiled and sipped my drink from heaven.

Then Layten said, "While we were there we met someone." I questioned, "Who?" Layten frowned and said, "Her name was Anna." I froze. "What?"


Yay Chapter 5!!!!! Keep calm and read on! Lol Addie has GIRL POWER OH YEAH

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