11. Emotions Suck but Hey Your a Teen

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Haylee's Pov

I woke up getting out of bed DUH. It's Thursday so three days since Layten's attempt for suicide. I then heard a groan from under my foot. I was standing on Layten's stomach. "Sorry." I said and laughed. I put my phone on the I Home and music blared through the house. "WAKE UP LAYTEN!" I screamed.

He jumped up and the Harlem Shake started to play. We COULD NOT resist. We started going crazy jerking around the room and then Timber by Pit Bull started playing. "Get ready for school." I ordered Layten and left the room.

I was already ready and eating cereal when Anna walked through the door. "GOOD MORNIN DADDY TIME FOR SOME CERAL!" She said in a Katt William's voice. I laughed and then finished my cereal.

As I was watching tv my phone started to play Let me Sign from the movie Twilight. I broke down crying remembering this was Freddy's favorite song. I let all my emotions out screaming, crying, and punching the couch.

"Haylee!" Anna yelled and grabbed on to me before I destroyed the lamp beside me. I struggled to get out of her grip but it was no use. She was strong. "A-Anna p-please make I-it stop hurting. The ache in my h-heart is a-awful." I stuttered out.

Anna just held on the me calming me with her soothing voice. "Go wash your face." She instructed and I did so.

Layten's Pov

I was sitting on the bus talking to Addie and looked over her shoulder to see Haylee sniffling into Anna's shirt. I heard them speak, "Anna I miss him so much." "I know Haylee but we all lose someone we love every once in a while."

They must have gone through a really hard life. I just wish I could have been there for them.

Anna's Pov

Haylee stiffened at my words. "Anna who did you lose?" I hesitated the answered, "My mom died when I was three." "What about your dad?" She asked. "He's dead too." I answered hoping she wouldn't ask who my dad was.

"I'm sorry." She whispered into my shoulder. I held her as she trembled I whispered, "It's fine." I really wish I didn't have to do this to her. Betray her. But it's my responsibility.


Okay it isn't much but hey its something. And OMG Anna what? Betray her for what? What is your responsibility??? OMG WHAT IS UP? Sorry its short I will make the next one longer I promise. Until then....


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