⟵ Dustin Henderson

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"No- we can't-" You began to tear up at your mother's words, they were unbarable.

"We have to, Y/N. I need to take this job." She rubbed your shoulders.

"So we have to move across the country? That's so stupid. I have a life here, Mom! With Dustin, my friends!"

"I'm sorry, Y/N." She used her thumbs to wipe away your tears, "You should start saying your goodbyes, we leave in two days."


You arrived at Dustin's house. You walked down the sidewalk that led to his porch and knocked on the door.

The door swung open, "Oh, hey, Y/N." Your boyfriend pulled you into a hug.

"Dustin." You mumbled into his chest and he pulled away, looking at you, "I have news- bad news."

"What is it, Y/N?"

"I'm-" You tried to find the way to tell him, "I'm moving."

"Oh- That's not bad news! You'll still be around here- right?" He awaited an answer he wouldn't recieve.

"No, Dustin. I'm moving across the country." You saw his expression change for the worse as he stukbled backward.

He looked to you, looking as if he was about to cry, "Please don't go, Y/N. You're my everything." These words caused the water faucet in your eyes to switch on; you cried.

You sniffled and hugged him again, "I would never want to leave you." 

After a pause with no words, just sniffles and weeps, he spoke, "Whe- when do you leave?"

"Two days." You said, your face nearly turning white at the thought.

He gave a very weak smile, "We'll spend the next two days together, yeah?"

"Of course, Dustin. I'd love that."


The day came. You were set to leave Hawkins in just a few hours, to leave Dustin.

You lifted a box and began walking to the moving truck. Dustin was leaning against the truck, a small giftbag in hand.

"I got a little something for you." He held the bag out to you.

You looked surprised as you grabbed it from his hands. In the bag was a small velvet box. You wrapped your hand around the box, tossing the bag to the ground. Inside was a ring, shaped like a tiara.

"Dustin! Thank you!" You slipped it on your ring finger, it fitting perfectly.

He wrapped his arms around your waist, "Remember me, okay?" 

"How can I forget you?" You attempted to smile.

He giggled lowly, "I guess this is goodbye?"

You nodded, "I guess it is." 

"I'll miss you, Y/N."

"I'll miss you too." And with this, he pulled back and kissed your lips for the first, and possibly last time.

"Bye, Y/N." He picked up your hand and kissed your ringed finger, and walked away wiping his eyes.

"Bye, Dustin." You said to his back.

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