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"I'm so glad you're moving on with life Chanel." The voice that spoke was low and deep. It seemed to vibrate as it came out of the telephone. The young girl that held the phone sighed into it as she heard the man's words.

"I guess so Max." She forced a smile, even though no one was with her to see it. She sank deeper into her old couch, and used her spare arm to hug the blanket closer to her.

It was getting late and the cold summer night breeze seeped into the small apartment through the cracks in the window.

"Well, its getting late, I should go." The man, Max, stated softly. "Remember to text Greg first thing tomorrow morning, then he'll call you about the job." Max's voice was so kind a reassuring that Chanel wanted to believe that things in her life could get better. That she would be able to pick up the shattered pieces and use them to build a world for herself.

"Kay." Chanel said, her sorrowful voice coming out nearly hoarse. "Thanks again Max." She attempted to put more warmth into her words, but that was hard when she was mentally, and physically freezing. The two acquaintances then exchanged goodbyes and ended the call.

Chanel sighed once more, tossing her head backwards. She wanted to fall asleep. It was cold and late, and there was nothing more that could of made her happier at that time. The only thing stopping her was her mind, buzzing with painful memories.

Finally frustrated, she got back up and turned on her cell phone. Subconsciously, she tapped the 'messages' icon and scrolled through her recent texts.

She would occasionally open old texts and read through them. At first, they made her giggle and smile as the silly words found in the app warmed her heart. Slowly, regret crept into her and sobs escaped her mouth.

Quickly, she was filled with a pang of remembrance that she will never again have a life of love. She won't share laughs and humorous shrieks with the ones she once loved. Never again, will she be embraced in a hug filled with warmth and love.

Soon, her sobs became louder and tears poured down her face. Her fingers slipped across her phone sloppily as she deleted every last text that her phone held. She gripped her phone, fighting the urge to toss the small device out of the window.

Eventually her sobs lulled her to sleep, as the salty fluid that dropped out of her eyes stained her face. For once, Chanel had looked peaceful. Her phone dropped out of her hands and she curled up in to the old sofa falling in to a deep abyss of absolutely nothing.

[I actually had a much nicer ending to this chapter, but it got deleted and I had to re-write it. *sobs*. I hate rewriting cause I feel like what I re-wrote will never be as good as what I originally had. :(

Well I hope you guys like it. Enjoy!

BTW the cover was made by SueCupid ]

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