Chapter 1

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Before time began there was the cube we know not for where it comes from only that it holds the power to create worlds and fill them with life that is how our race was born for a time we lived in harmony but like all great power some wanted it for good others for evil and so began the war a war that ravaged our planet until it was consumed by death and the cube was lost to the far reaches of space we scattered across the galaxy hoping to find it and rebuild our home searching every star every world and just when all hope seemed lost a message of a new discovery drew us to an unknown planet called earth but we were already to late.

Olivia was watching the news when she got up she seen that the base in Qatar was attacked by an un-known object. The guy on TV said there were no survivors. Olivia got up took her shower and put her school out fit on. She went down stairs got her backpack and told Sam to come on there dad was driving them to school. When they arrived at school Olivia went to her best friend Carly. They walked to class, the teacher says okay Mr Witwicky your up. Sam goes up to the front he says sorry I have a lot of stuff. I seen Trent whispers to his girl friend watch, I kick his seat really hard. He looks back at me I turn and watch Sam. He says for mine and Olivia s family genealogy report we decided to do our great great grandfather who was a famous man, captain Archibald Witwicky very famous explorer in fact he was one of the first to explore the artic circle. Which is a big deal Sam went on here we have some of the basic instruments and tools used by 19th century seamens every one laughed. This here is the quadrant which you can get for 80 bucks. Sam said that Olivia gave him a death glare. This here sextant the kids all laughed 50 bucks for this which is a bargain. Sam picked up our great great grandfathers glasses he said these are pretty cool these are our grandfathers glasses. I haven't quite gotten them appraised yet but they've seen many cool things. The teach says are you going to sell me his liver Mr Witwicky. This isn't show and sell it is the 11 grade. I don't think you grandfather would be particularly proud of what your doing. Olivia smirked Sam then came back and said I know im sorry it just you know this is all going toward our car fund.

End of chapter 1

Hope you like it tell me what you think

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